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Will the GOP take back the Senate and House? - NO they won't.


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If everything turns out as expected, this will be a perfect election. Republicans take the House, Dems keep the Senate by a narrow margin. The House will serve as a counter to President Obama and the balanced Senate will take up its tradition roll as a moderate influence to both the sides.

Additionally, Reid takes a hike and Pelosi loses her majority. Along with Bush, all three power players in the downturn are gone and we can start over fresh.

Ahem. Looking around the classroom. Boehner, Boehner, Boehner, Boehner, Boehner, Boehner... likewise McConnell, McConnell, McConnell, McConnell. I hope there are many other Republicans who hope that the GOP's game starts to match their rhetoric at some point.

There are a handful of election results that won't make me happy... I like Feingold, and hope he doesn't lose. Grayson is a progressive nutcase and lunatic but he was willing to take on the Federal Reserve. I think it should be somewhat disappointing that many Representatives live in safe districts and didn't even get knocked off in the primaries. I hate my representative even though we share parties. I don't think he's good for anything except a solid Republican vote (I think 80% of the House is like this... its ridiculous). I also don't want to see Blunt move to the Senate.

Although the tea party will claim victory it's the country-club, pro-business Republicans who are going to carry the GOP policies and look to get stronger in 2012. I much prefer the DeMint wing of the GOP party; of course they should be honest about what their fiscal policies may lead to in the country (either massive inflation or deflation)...

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Ahem. Looking around the classroom. Boehner, Boehner, Boehner, Boehner, Boehner, Boehner... likewise McConnell, McConnell, McConnell, McConnell.

Boehner and McConnell have been irrelevant for the past 4 years. If they decide to keep blowing money like congress has for the past decade they'll be irrelevant again 2 years from now.

edit: the main point is that the makeup of the government should turn out just the way I like it. An aggressive House on the opposite side of the President and a near even split in the Senate forcing that body to be more subtle and measured.

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