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Our first TD vs Colts= great scheme and execution.


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A while back some noob was complaining about boot action, why we did it so much.

Well our first TD vs the colts was created by boot action. What teams have been doing to counter our boots is front seven flows play action side while the DBs flow backside for cut back and boot.

What we did on our first TD by Torain on Sunday night exploited this. We lined up with ace with twins to the short side, santana motioned to behind the LG at the snap everyone reaches hard right except moss and Davis (backside/wideside) they haul tail to the back side routes with McNabb showing boot action this pulled both safeties and backside db while play side everyone reaches and cuts off their man with Armstrong sealing the edge the play side safety flows with boot just long enough to set up one on one with torain while being off balance, easy win torain httr!

Love the schemes the shanahans imploy!

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I hope Torain continues get carries although next Sunday is a bad matchup for the running game with favorable matchups in the passing game. Trent can hold his own vs peppers however peppers is afforded the freedom to line where he wants and he will probably line up across from jamal brown.

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I love the nuances of Kyle/Mike's play design.

There are elements of most of their plays that can be used to exploit the defense.

Tana/Davis motion and backside movement sets them up for play-action down the road.

I especially like the fake toss (Banks) with the bootleg throw throw to Cooley that set up Torrain 2nd TD.

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We took some steps offensively but we have a bigger challenge next week for our O at least...

Agreed it'll be interesting to see how our OL handles Peppers. That LB corp for Chicago is one of the best with Urlacher and Briggs as a great tandem and even the secondary is still good nothing special and we could have some shots for big plays but they are solid. We need to get pressure on Cutler to win this game though.

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