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70/80s era: Was Jack Kent Cooke more lenient towards white players versus blacks?!


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Bobby Beatherd and Joe Gibbs put together a Super Bowl roster and plan.

Doug Williams got hurt after the Super Bowl jogging on a treadmill. He had a great season and game. He played and was not effective much after, plus he was on the downslope of his career.

Trent Dilfer won the Super Bowl for the Ravens and was not re-signed that off-season.

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Society was incredibly racist. There is no doubt that 2-3 generations of players (from 1926 until 1952) were cheated, as were the fans and the game by this nonsense. This cheating certainly lingered on in other forms for decades afterward.

Having said that, and noting I AM NOT SLIGHTING HOW HORRIFIC THIS WAS, I am so sick of hearing about the Skins being the last to integrate. Every NFL team had a black player or 2 by 1952. It wasn't paradise even then... the Skins signed Bobby Mitchell in 1962, before the Civil Rights Act, Freedom Riders and the I have a Dream speech... so yeah OK the Redskins were 10 years behind the curve, that piece of the ugliness was totally on us - but it is not like for decades the NFL was integrated and diverse Berkley-like and the Redskins were like Selma in '65. It was 10 freakin years in an ugly time AND by the lights of many, many institutions at the time, after 62 the Redskins were leaders in this area.

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