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I have completely lost all faith in Marty


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I don't like the decisions he made one bit. Eddie Mason? Why? Is it because he was one of our best special team players and a very valuable back up linebacker as well as a class act who played hard all the time? Well we know why Lloyd Harrison got cut. Marty is too much of a stubborn POS to cut greer who he has been praising so much even though he is the worst corner in the league. Sure Fletcher and Moore didn't help themselves but damn we needed to keep at least one, we have like no bodies there and David Brandt showed absolutely nothing. I am kinda glad for Derrius Thompson but Skaggs deserved a roster spot. All this just goes to show me that we need a competent GM. Marty may be a good gameday coach but he has no clue how to manage his roster and evaluate talent. I am just not excited for next weekend at all. I have a feeling the Bolts are gonna whip our asses. Maybe 3-13 is more like it. This year is gonna suck. You know it's bad when a rabid fan like me is more excited about University of Maryland football then he is about the Redskins.

Charley Casserly where are you?

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jeezuz! Am I going to have to create a Chicken Little rank?

Relax Clone... at least give the guy a chance, you know? There may be just a SLIM chance that Marty's 30+ years in the league as a coach & player give him a bit more insight into talent than we have on this board.

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I don't know if I agree with all the moves, but I have to give Marty and his staff benefit of my doubt. They're watching these guys in practice every day.

The decision to cut a reserve linebacker or keep a particular 3rd string defensive back isn't enough to make me lose faith in the coach. Now, losing to San Diego...that might be a different matter. I take regular season games pretty seriously.

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I am trying so hard to have faith in Marty but it is so hard when he cuts guys like Mason and Harrison and keeps Donovan Greer and Jauron freaking Daley??? Donny Green???


<IMG SRC="http://www.ideaspot.net/nfl/NFC_East/medium/wash1-med.gif" border=0><IMG SRC="http://www.ideaspot.net/nfl/NFC_East/medium/noboys-med.gif" border=0>

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I would have made different ones to Clone, but I also relaize I am a fan. Marty has a head for talent that is why he has been successful. We have not been at all the practices. Marty must see things that make decisions. I would have loved to see Skaggs, but he must see something better in Thompson. My real shock was Harrison. This disappointed me. I guess we could say the reasoning for Greer staying may have been experience, but Harrison was said to have improved early in camp, so I don't get it. There again, I will swallow hard and put my faith and trust in Marty.


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Everyone has their version of the mythical Derek Smith to root for in the preseason.

Remember last year the 5'6 WR with the Afro that made him 6 feet? He was hyped and given the kiss of death by George michaels similar to J Skaggs this year.

Coach Marty can Practice squad up to 5 players and if a DT/DE is available who are we to say that Greer won't be released? Terrell can move to CB.

Some one give DC Clone a Cup


Take a sip of the Marty Kool Aid and Believe

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Right on TC. We know mostly from reading other peoples' opinions (of other peoples' opinions) and maybe a few plays in a preseason game. Marty and Co. practically live with these fellows for quite a while. I'll assume they know more than we do.

Course, I don't agree with all the moves either. laugh.gif

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Real good points, ND! I recall how we built Derek 'Hokie' Smith in our minds to the point where you'd have thought we had a Boselli on IR. As far as I know, when he was cut, nobody picked him up.

Marcus Stiggers, the little guy, was with the Boyz for a while. Don't know if he's in ball now.

Chad Dukes was cut by the Panthers today. As usual, he'd had a good camp. Heck, they cut their starting QB, Lewis. I did note that they released Tim Morabito, DT - he was a starter, but for Carolina, that's not saying much. Is he any good?

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Most of the cuts were predictable based on the preseason games.

Moore and Fletcher got every chance imaginable.

Skaggs will be picked up by someone. Dallas is my guess.

One decision that I need explained to me is releasing Mason and keeping Donny Green at OLB who has been with the team for 8 or 9 days.

How much could they have seen in him in that short of a time to warrant him "earning" a place on the final roster?

I am sure the development of Antonio Pierce as a capable backup allowed the team more flexibility than it would have had otherwise vis a vis Mason.

But overall, I don't see how you can be outraged over the cuts.

Sure, I think Greer is a dog as well. But that is largely because he was projected by the staff and some media as being a potential starter over Smoot and Green.

Now that we know he is likely to be the #4 corner, I don't feel as queasy about him.

Looking around the NFL, as a #4 corner, Greer is probably not that bad of a candidate. He has experience in nickel coverage and is a guy with good speed and tackling ability.

He is not a man cover corner. But few #4's are much more than adequate zone defenders anyway. And my guess is that is what Greer will be playing when he is in the game.

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Agreed Bulldog, but I haven't seen Greer's tackling ability yet. I have seen his ability to miss tackles, getcalled for damagin penalties and get blown away by receivers. I don't understand this move except for Marty to save face.


Please visit my new Skins site, Mark's Redskins Net. Vote in my latest Skins poll.


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I only hope that Marty hasn't made the same mistake with Derrius Thompson that Norv did. Thompson has survived on his prototypical physical attributes, good camps and adequate preseason performances. Then he becomes a nonfactor when the season starts. If Marty can get him to realize his potential, then keeping him over Skaggs is the right move. If not, I doubt that Marty will let him take up a roster spot as long as Norv did.

As far as the decision to cut Mason in favor of Green, that mystifies me also, but I think back to day two of the draft, when I (along with everybody else here) said "WTF?" when Rosenfels was picked. It has since become clear that Marty knew better then, so I'll take a wait-and-see position on this decision now.

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Skaggs versus Thompson is a #5 WR question. Relax.

We still need to see who we try to put on the practice squad versus not. And let's see who we sign from the other teams' waiver cuts.


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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It will be interesting to see if the Redskins pick up a defensive lineman. And if so, will it be a veteran like Kevin Henry or a rookie or undeveloped player like Dorian Boose was when cut by the Jets.

Honestly, if we add a player at DT I think it may be a younger player that perhaps the team was not able to select in the draft or sign as a free agent.

Marty seems to be going younger whenever possible except where the performance is wanting such as at FS where Keith Lyle figures to get into the lineup at some point soon.

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DC_clone, take a sip of Marty Kool Aid. Give the man a chance. Do you think he is going to show his hand before the season starts? There is to much negative talk on this board. Also he picks the players he thinks is best for the system he runs. I remember a few seasons under Joe Gibbs that the skins did'nt look good in pre-season and they went on to make the play-offs and also win a SUPER BOWL.

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What bothers me about the cuts is that the 2nd half of the 2000 draft was a total waste. Looks like Marty wants to clear out the Norv/Cerrato legacy.

There were also a lot of young players cut. Does Marty think he needs vets to make a run this year?. The decision making process does not look like he is thinking of 2001 as being a rebuilding year.


If you can't be good, be good at it.

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Bogey, here's the deal as far as I'm concerned. I have no problem cutting Moore, Husak or anyone else even if it renders all or a portion of a certain draft class "a waste" if those players simply cannot get it done for us. Let the sportswriters worry about symbolism. I don't want dead weight taking up roster space, and the sooner the better for that. Instead of lamenting that we have "wasted" draft picks, praise the fact that we have a coach who is ready, willing and able to hold people accountable and to team-build with a coherent concept in mind, rather than to hope that some people will pan out over time.


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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The cult of Norvism is still here but in small clusters

and its affects have tested the faith of a believer.

Who knows after Sunday's game DC Clone can take his purifying dip and become a born again follower of Marty.

So sayeth The Troglodyte


Take a sip of the Marty Kool Aid and Believe

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