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How far is too far for a fan to go?


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I was reading more about the US soccer team today, and itmade me wonder. For those who don't follow them and want to know what brought this on, there was an article in the post by Boswell today:http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A21649-2001Aug30.html

It made me wonder what you guys concider "a fan going to far." TO me the line is right when the player steps off the playing field. I have no problem heckling though I usually am content to cheer for the guys I like. However, I can't even imagine throwing urine at Deion Sanders (my least liked NFl player). What's more, I don't see myself rushing out to play the drums outside the cowboys hotel room the night before the Skins play them. To me this taking things too far.

At the heart of it, sports should be about fun for both fan and athlete. At the point where either group makes it less than fun for the other, I think something is seriously flawed.

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To me that ranks right up there with someone walking up to an actor that portrays an undesirable character and lashing out at them in a restaurant or something.


<IMG SRC="http://www.texaspitts.com/nakedskins.gif" border=0>

[edited.gif by MarkPSkins on August 31, 2001.]

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Soccer is like an electric Fan. Depending on your position it either blows or definately Sucks.

Soccer should be banned inside the US borders.

It promotes stupidity, look at the media thinking soccer moms' opinions are/were the pulse of america thus clinton and other embarrassments were overlooked, Riots (ie death), and parents who actually believe their kids will get Michael Jordan money for bouncing a ball on his/her head in the US.

Did I mention how much hate soccer?


Take a sip of the Marty Kool Aid and Believe

[edited.gif by NavyDave on August 31, 2001.]

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Soccer's a great sport. Unfortunately its (foreign/international) fans tend towards hooliganism and violence more than any other sport I can think of, especially in Europe.

The maneuvering and art of soccer has also been outmatched on a marketing level, especially to attention span-starved Americans by faster moving games like football, basketball, hockey and even baseball. It's like the difference between Chess and Blackjack from a casual fan's perspective.

I grew up playing soccer and continue to like the game. But like most Americans I don't go looking for it on television very often.


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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