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Distractions for a shut-in weekend


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So, I'm taking a couple of "preliminary" grad classes in economics, and I have two huge, monumental, ginormous tests coming up next week. Thus, I plan to be surrounded by books and PDF files from Friday afternoon until I get to bed late Sunday night. I'll definitely need distractions during those 60-ish hours so I figured I'd open the floor for suggestions a la the infamous "Cleveland hotel" thread.

Anyone got any good ideas for a guy who's partially snowbound in Alexandria, will soon be very sick of studying, and still has the cheapness of a college kid? Creativity is, of course, welcome.

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Don't try to study the whole time... Write down goals... Like, this hour I need to be done with X and then by another hour (about 4 hours later) I need to be done reviewing my notes...

If you take good notes, try to visualize the lecture and remember the scene so that a key word in a question relates to a specific lecture. That way if you are stuck at a question that you should know, you can remember what you need to know just by visualizing what the professor did when he was talking about the subject...

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