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Bush outlines the blueprints for response.

Die Hard

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Guest 6'1 but 6'9 with the Afro

Diehard, I guess you can add this to your list as another reason that Canada is a better place to live than the US - your country isnt singled out by terrorists as prime target. At least for now, you're safe.

I have a feeling that a bunch of us might wanna come stay at your place, should our homelands be attacked on a greater scale next time.

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You're right Mick. Canada kicks *** smile.gif But I can tell you those bombings affected every Canadian. Canadians identify with Americans more than America knows.

You should've seen the uproar here over the fact Bush neglected to mention Canada in his speech to Congress when he was identifying American allies. It was national news laugh.gif

But I can't help but wonder... if those planes had crashed into Canadian targets - the CN Tower and a government building - would there be such a focused campaign on terrorism?


<IMG SRC="http://members1.chello.nl/~irmbouwman/gamestarter/sexy20.gif" border=0>

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Guest 6'1 but 6'9 with the Afro

Now that I think of it Canada hasnt been completely immune. The terrorists have at least used canada as a way to sneak in the US, if I remember correctly. Wasnt it shortly before the millenium new year, they caught a bunch of them scum bags crossing the canadian border, and uncovered some terrorist plan to blow up the Seattle New Year's celebration ?

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