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The Best Healthcare System in the World?


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I'm quite aware of the VAT, thanks. What I'm asking you for is specifics on what it is you think the common European is missing out on.

Anything that is a little more expensive and has a 20 percent tax added on to it. I can't give you a specific, however I will provide an example.

It's like buying professional clothing from JOS Banks vs. Hechts. JOS Banks is slightly more expensive but a lot nicer IMO, if there was a 20 percent tax added on to Banks clothing, that 20 percent increase is substantial, even though the shirts are much nicer and last longer, I would have to shop at Macys.

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Anything that is a little more expensive and has a 20 percent tax added on to it. I can't give you a specific, however I will provide an example.

Yeah, I get it. Everything's more expensive with a VAT.

The truth is, though, that Amy and I travel to Europe at least once a year, and sometimes twice, and I can assure you that the common man is not really doing "without". They still dress nicely, and drink ridiculously overpriced coffee at sidewalk cafes (that's not the VAT, either), and eat good food, and lead very comfortable lives that they're very happy with.

The people that really get hit aren't the common men, it's the more wealthy.

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