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AP: Gibbs says he's not returning to Redskins


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The article states "no plans to return..." and Gibbs is quoted, "Right here's where I'm GMing."

Sounds rather explicit.

That's almost the exact words he said the last time before he came here. Think about it: If a few months from now, Joe Gibbs comes back in a consultation role, would he be a liar for what he is saying now? He DID NOT say, "I will never come back". He just said something to the effect that as of right now, he is not making any plans. That means nothing. He can't make any "plans" if he has not received an offer. If Snyder makes an offer and Gibbs accepts, THEN he can start planning. It would be foolish to start planning without an offer. As for his saying that he is "GMing here right now", that also means nothing. He did not say: "I am GMing here right now and will not be GMing anywhere else ever again." Gibbs may or not come back as a consultant, but he certainly didn't rule anything out.

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I said before that he wouldn't come back because of his commitment to his NASCAR team. Any GM or advisor will require him to be here full time as a lot of changes need to be made which requires rebuilding this mess of a team and a part time consultant/GM isn't going to get it done.

Now the hard part of all of this is for Snyder to relinquish his death grip on this team and let a real GM rebuild. I just don't see Snyder doing this, for some ungodly reason he thinks he knows football and how to build a team and he keeps failing year after year.

This is the worst situation that I've ever seen this team in and I'm talking about the Redskins of the 60's. At least they always had a good offense and the owner and front office were never in a turmoil as Snyder and his minions are and have been for the last 10 years.

Joe Gibbs is committed to his religion and will not talk bad about anyone. I never expected him to say anything derogatory about Snyder but I still don't agree with his comments. The situation here is horrible and the coaches and players on the field are only a small problem. It all starts at the top and if Snyder doesn't change his ways, the Redskins will continue to be the circus that it is today.

Bluecrab, there has not been any conjecture about Gibbs coming back as a GM. Gibbs would be coming back ONLY as a "Consultant" to make sure Snyder hires the right GM and Head Coach. All of those responsibilities would be done before the start of the 2010 NASCAR season.

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