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ACN Telecomunications


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  • 7 months later...
Has anyone heard of this group, if you have, I am curious about how it worked out for you?

I just went to a presentation wrt this at a friend of mine's house tonight. Did you ever get into this GoSkins? Has anyone heard of or is involved with this company ACN?

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It reminds me of the whole Quixtar/Amway thing, which I bought into several years ago, but just couldn't bring myself to really run with it like some people can. I do like the idea though that this revolves more around technology instead of vitamins & energy drinks (and yes the video phone is kinda tight :D )

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ACN is Amway for telecommunications. They buy telecomm services wholesale from other companies and then resell the service. They don't have salaried sales people, they use multilevel marketing a.k.a. pyramid scheme. They do have some innovative products such as their videophone which they market in a package with their IP Phone service.

The only reason I know this is because I'm in the telecomm industry and ACN is a wholesale customer of my company. I can't speak for the true income opportunity of their sales agents but the company itself is legitimate and seems to do very well.

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The only reason I know this is because I'm in the telecomm industry and ACN is a wholesale customer of my company. I can't speak for the true income opportunity of their sales agents but the company itself is legitimate and seems to do very well.

I'm gonna do some research on it, and I do have a few people that I know that I could probably pull into it, so it might be something worth pursuing. I definately try an update this thread with any info. I can find. Maybe we can network together a multi-state Redskins group :)

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Telecom is an interstesting industry most reseller's/CLEC's are scam's, however, if you have a natural market or base of clientele you may be good. If you now the company your dealing with you have a chance of making $$? If not well it may be your reputation....?

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Telecom is an interstesting industry most reseller's/CLEC's are scam's

Not really a true statement. A CLEC, or Competitive Local Exchange Carrier, is a company that completes with the incumbent telephone company; the big boys such as ATT or Verizon. Most CLEC's own and operate their own network and are not reselling other companies services. Some CLEC's do a better job than others but they are not "Scams".

Resellers on the other hand are more of a risk and many times can be here today, gone tomorrow. They just buy services from other companies and rebill under their own name. You are more apt to get scammed by one of these resellers than by a true CLEC.

Sorry for the lecture but I just felt that some clarification was needed.

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My wife and I are in it. My wife had done other network marketing things before, and I was done with them. Mostly, because the things you have to sell in other companies are things that automatically remove about half the population (or more) from your potential client list (ie, scapbooking supplies, food vendors, vitamins, etc). The thing I liked about this is that with telecom, everyone uses it. Cell phones, video phones and digital phone service, land lines, internet, home security, satelite TV, and soon electricity and gas. Who doesn't use several of these services? So, you're not "selling" people on these services, you're just asking them to get them through you (and many times ACN's services are either the same price as you can get elsewhere, or cheaper). The other thing I liked is that you don't have to keep inventory of things to show people.

It really depends on who you know, and how committed you are to working to be successful. We've committed to a full year to get this going, and re-evaluate from there. I believe that you can truely be successful at this, but the time it takes to be "successful" can vary from a few months in rare cases to years. A lot of this is really about the people you know being willing to listen. We've run into the problem of much of my wife's family basically refusing to even let us offer them cheaper services. We've shown them how we could save them $50/month on phone/internet and they won't switch. One cousin said that he has a policy of not doing business with family since it saves him having to be pissed of at them later.

Your results may vary. I found the cost to be a small risk for the chance at a big reward.

ETA: ACN has been around since 1993. They are a debt free company, are expanding their products service area. I don't believe that they are going away any time soon.

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