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Did anyone catch the "Road to the SuperBowl" segment on NFL Network?

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This morning segment focused on last Sundays game betwen the Skins and the Giants and Chris Cooley and Osi Umenyiora in particular. They followe both players from the time they arrived at the Stadium to gametime. Now I don't want to come off like I'm picking on Cooley, but on one hand you have Osi thinking about the game and in heavy concerntration and on the other hand you have Cooley playing a "hit the goal post" game with Yodar.

I know he's extremely popular and he is good, but that says a lot about this team IMO. I have my doubts if they take it as seriously as other teams.

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let's take a step back. everyone doesn't get ready for a game the same way and that doesn't mean that any way is more right than the other. we all know cooley likes to joke around and loosen the mood. that's how he gets ready. keep in mind that's probably not the only thing he does right before a game to get ready so don't judge him or the team on that one thing alone.

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