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Chris Doering?<br /><br />Danny Wuerffel?<br /><br />Jacquez Green?<br /><br />Shane Matthews?<br /><br />Those aren't exactly NFL all-stars. I actually like Willie Jackson, but I'm having trouble believing that that's an objectively based decision. <br /><br />And if knowing the Spurrier system is so dang important that we need ex-Gators everywhere, then why is it that Dilfer is at the top of our wish list for QB's - you know, that position that runs the whole offense? This need for ex-Gators also seems to put the lie to the notion by Spurrier that his system really isn't all that complex.

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the trail of ex-players heading back to Daddy is not a new one. what is different for us here is we are used to seeing a VETERAN NFL head coach or coordinator hired and thus the players are mostly established pros.<br /><br />here we have a college coach who ran a major program with almost complete autonomy.<br /><br />so, he is going to bring in ex-Florida players, but because they were so successful in school, he also is going to think they will be more successful in the pros under HIM than they have been with other coaches.<br /><br />That is the ego part of being a Head Coach.<br /><br />YOU can do what others can't. Sometimes it works out so that is the case <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> <br /><br />Doering and Wuerffel are backup talent and as long as they aren't proffered by Spurrier as candidates to start I wouldn't get too gased about their appearance.<br /><br />Wuerffel is a very smart guy and holding a clipboard as the #3 qb is probably one of the better people we could have in that position.<br /><br />now, if you tell me he is going to be the #1 quarterback fo the 2002 season, then I am going to have some problems with that.

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i disagree with you Bulldog....this is a very good move for us ....whoever is our starting QB, will have earned the trust from Spurrier ....that goes for the WR's also......everybody will have to fight it out in training camp....thats how Spurrier works ....if the players happen to be ex-Florida players , so be it .....as long as we are competitive, and play solid, that is all he is asking for .....i think Marvin Lewis will keep our offence in the game , and win a couple games too....Steve i feel has a very good chance at having a solid first year in the NFL.....i'm looking at 10-6 ....that clicks in head all the time ...so i'm sticking with it

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When a new coach comes in, he brings in players that he is familiar with, simple as that. This is fine by me. The fact that these acquisitions are less costly and less risky, though less proven, than Donnell Bennet and Kevin Locket, who Marty brought in, is a bonus.

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