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why is everybody hating on the Florida players


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are there alot of Spurrier haters in here , that are forced to like him cause he is now the Skins coach ???....i see alot of Skin fans in here not liking the Beloved picking up ex-Florida players .....why?.....i would like to have a decent discussion on this topic , but i feel i'll be outnumbered on this topic ...<br /><br />i will respond after a few posts

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I don't see a problem with it at all. They arn't costing much and have experience with the system. I think Spurrier will use training camp to get what he feels are the best recievers that fit his system. I just can't see panicking because of this. I'm sure that Marvin Lewis will not let the Defensive side of the team be forgotten when it comes to getting what he needs signed either.<br /> <br /> <small>[ March 01, 2002, 02:24 AM: Message edited by: Chris 44 ]</small>

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i think he knows what he is doing ....every coach likes to have their security blanket .....i think this is his .....all of these doubters will learn to love Spurrier sooner or later ....he will prove alot of us Skins fans wrong , and right .....i can feel a energy about Spurrier , that tells me he will be a future Hall of Fame coach , with many, Yes MANY Superbowls to his name .......<br /><br />in 3 years from now , their will be a alot of College coaches suddenly getting Head Coaching jobs in the NFL....and WHY?......because Spurrier will open alot of eyes in the years to come ....

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I don't have a problem with all TWO of the UF players we have on our team. (And this assumes we do the Wuerffel trade, which technically hasn't happened yet.)<br /><br />Almost every coach does this when they first go to a new team. <br /><br />What I WILL have a problem with is IF some of these UF guys beat out other players who are better just because of their school of choice. As long as that doesn't happen, I am not overly concerned about it.

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I think the panic stems from the fact that not many UF players that entered the NFL have done much. Oh there are a few I'm sure (Can't think of any right now). But then again they ones that did come to the NFL never played for Spurrier in the NFL either. Only time will tell if it will be a good thing. Right now it just fuels the debates and discussion. IMO I think Spurrier will do good (even though I dislike him) with what he is planning.

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I'm more than willing to give Spurrier a chance. But as One Dollar notes, a lot of the guys we're talking about bringing in have really accomplished little in the NFL. It's hard to get real enthused over a guy like Doering, who's been out of the NFL, or some third string QB. <br /><br /> I haven't read anything dripping hatred for the ex-Gators, but there's a healthy amount of skepticism. <br /><br /> If Spurrier will show us the wins, everything will be o.k.

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look, there is nothing wrong with bringing in some players you have confidence in to get you over the hump in terms of installing your system to a new team.<br /><br />the difference here is that in the past coaches like George Allen brought in VETERAN players who had a track record in the NFL, so while they were older they had proven they belonged.<br /><br />With Doering, Wuerffel, etc....these are players that are on the fringe of the NFL.<br /><br />As backups or practice squad candidates there is nothing wrong with their signings.<br /><br />But one has to remember that Doering was a street free agent for a reason.<br /><br />Wuerffel was exposed to the expansion draft and then dealt to us for a scrub DT or #7 pick for a reason.<br /><br />And that reason is most NFL personnel people don't think these players have any upside in terms of getting on the field and producing.<br /><br />So, again. I have no problem with the signings if they are as we assume just to get some familiar faces in who can help explain what is going on to the other players and be assistants in uniform.<br /><br />But on the occasion I hear about Wuerffel challenging for a starting job here, then I get concerned because of the lack of physical tools in his toolbox.<br /><br />What I would like to see is Spurrier get ex-Gators, but also ones that can contribute on the field as starters and impact players.<br /><br />Then I will get excited about the moves.<br /><br />Right now, these moves so far are like the ones to get Central McClellion last year as the #5 corner.<br /><br />Just hard to get choked up over.

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I look at this way.<br />Marvin Lewis is going to have his defense on the field a whole lot this year.<br /><br />Whether we score everytime we get the ball because of SS genius ability and scheme,or his lack of NFL experience causing us to go 3 and out on every drive.<br /><br />I hope its because we score to fast.<br /><br />either way,Marvin lewis has his hands full.

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i feel this way......all these ex-Gaters that are on the fringe of not playing in the NFL anymore , will play there hearts out for Spurrier ....they have had success under Spurrier , and they have confidence in his offensive play calling .....granted , they havn't done so well in the NFL thusfar, but this could livin up their career, and put alot of them over the hump .....i am looking foward to next season , and i see alot of victorys for us in the future .....i wis the season started this Sunday....but oh well

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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by ace33:<br /><strong>I look at this way.<br />Marvin Lewis is going to have his defense on the field a whole lot this year.<br /><br />Whether we score everytime we get the ball because of SS genius ability and scheme,or his lack of NFL experience causing us to go 3 and out on every drive.<br /><br />I hope its because we score to fast.<br /><br />either way,Marvin lewis has his hands full.</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">i feel different then you ....i think out defence will dominate the NFC east next year...its just a hunch....but i have a good feeling

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I hated Steve then. I love Steve now. He's the coach of my team. I've watched at least seventy-five gator games. They are on the tube every week here. If we even come close to that kind of domination, Steve will be right there with George A. and Joe G. That's ok by me. How 'bout you? <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" />

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