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Biden: "What am I going to tell the president..."


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You have to appreciate his candidness.

Article on his statement: http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2009/05/teleprompter-fa.html

"As Vice President Biden delivered a commencement address to about 1,000 graduates of the Air Force Academy, a gust of wind knocked over his teleprompter. Biden took that opportunity to crack a joke at the expense of his boss, President Obama, who famously uses a teleprompter for all of his speeches.

"What am I going to tell the president when I tell him his teleprompter is broken? What will he do then?" Biden joked at the ceremony in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Perhaps Biden thought it was a safe topic to joke about, given that Obama poked fun at himself for the habit at this year’s White House Correspondents Association dinner in Washington."

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuGi2bMwODs

*Full statement wouldn't fit in the title*

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