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Tell me that I'm not the only one....

Zen-like Todd

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I figure we should have gotten a W for the Dallas game (actually, neither team deserved that game!) but were pretty much beaten in the Carolina game until the big plays, so in a sense things evened out. I consider the win today to be the first legitimate no-sh*t one of the season, and man was it sweet!! The crowd exiting the stadium was whooping it up like it hasn't in a great while!!

Its very cool how we've come from the point of being 10 minutes away from 0-6 last week to having life and making something out of the season. Even allowing for parity and the overall mediocrity of the league, and particularly our division, I don't realistically see us as a playoff team. However, even if you concede road losses to Denver and Philly, if we continue to take care of business at home and somehow steal one in Arizona, the Redskins would likely still be mathematically in the playoff hunt going into the next-to-last week of the season. And who would've thought that after Dallas?

In the meantime, its nice that it appears we're making something out of the season, and, in a strange sense, its fun playing the role of the underdog and knocking off the Giants!! Hail to the Redskins!!

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