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This was one of those things that I felt just needed to be shared because you never know how one of us can help.

Link: http://pizzas4patriots.com/

Basically this group is trying to get enough donations to send a 747 (partnered by DHL) full of pizzas to our troops for July 4th. I just thought this would be a cool little "thank you" from us back home.

A little about it:

"Pizzas 4 Patriots got its' start from my son 15 year old Kent Evans. He asked me, a retired Air Force Master Sergeant if it would be possible to send Lou Malnatis deep dish pizzas to U.S soldiers serving in Iraq. The first step we took was to call Lou Manatis headquarters and ask if it would be possible. They agreed to sell the pizzas to Pizzas 4 Patriots at cost. DHL express volunteered their shipping services at no charge.

On June 15 the family began soliciting donations and received corporate and individual funds to ship 2000 Pizzas on June 27, 2008. On July 4, 2008 our service men and women enjoyed pizza party held by General Patreaus at Camp Victory and 8 forward operating camps. It has flourished into a second shipment of over 2,000 pizzas for Super Bowl 2009 and Home Run Inn pizzas for VA Hospitals on Veterans Day and Super Bowl 2009. We have shipped a total of over 4,500 pizzas and 6,000 bottles of beer to our troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan."

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Where did this BEER make it to? No alcohol allowed.

They did it for the Super Bowl I believe. I remember seeing it on the news.

#99QBKiller, damn right. I think the idea is great. Those guys and girls definitely deserve a "thanks" and a small taste of home.

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