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Advice Needed: My First Annual Review is Today


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So my annual review date was yesterday, and my boss emailed me today to ask if I could come in this afternoon for my annual review. I'm going into my second year with this company, and never had a review before. I submitted my personal write-up a few weeks ago and had my brother and dad read over it and offer their advice (they too work in the computer industry like me).

From what I hear, most people I work with only get a 3% bump, and the company gives the excuse that "we don't make any money off of you". Just FYI, this is a mid-size government contractor I work for. However, since I'm the youngest guy here, I make considerably less money than others I work with.

Does anyone have advice for my review? Also, what are your methods for asking for a bigger raise?

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Does anyone have advice for my review? Also, what are your methods for asking for a bigger raise?

Honestly, in my experience you should bring up the money thing before your review.

When you are bringing it up though, make sure you have reasons as to why you deserve more money. At my last job I pretty much wrote an outline of what I had done to deserve a better raise. I talked to my boss a month or so before my review and I ended up getting almost 10% instead of the standard 4%.

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I'd approach the money issue with kids gloves right now. Most companies are cutting back the available pool of $ used for merit increases in this rough economy. Honestly, be thankful for a 3% because it might be the very best you could get in proportion to all others.

Ahead of time, do you know what the current climate is financially for your organization? Are there fears of layoffs and cutbacks? This info would help you have perspective in your negotiations.

Also, a standard approach for you in all reviews is to be very well prepared to display whatever "Hard Savings" value you brought to the table in the past year. If you can, try to attach a dollar value to your work. ALA: xyz project that you oversaw resulted in x$'s saved, or x FTE's available to be reallocated to another form of work.

If you cant land on dollars, think in terms of "soft savings" like your work that had a direct impact on customer service, retention, loyalty, etc.

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I work for a fortune 500 company. I just had my annual review and nobody in the company received a raise this year. Sucks!!!!!!!

That's pretty much the case in many, many large companies this year. Mine included.

I think it's valuable to remember that depite a trend of annual increases for most of us over the past decade or so, we really arent "entitled" to an annual increase, especially if the company performed poorly as a whole.

I hate it, but it's the harsh reality of the times.

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That's pretty much the case in many, many large companies this year. Mine included.

I think it's valuable to remember that depite a trend of annual increases for most of us over the past decade or so, we really arent "entitled" to an annual increase, especially if the company performed poorly as a whole.

I hate it, but it's the harsh reality of the times.

I completely understand that but it still sucks! :silly:

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