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College Exchange / Skins Game Advice


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My law school in Australia has just opened applications for exchanges to the US in 2004 and, if I can get the money together, I've got a decent chance of getting in. However, there's only so much you can tell about a place over the internet, so, if anyone's got the time, I'd really appreciate some advice.

The four schools offered are:

NYU Law School

Cornell LS

Texas (Austin) LS

Duke LS

Are these good places to study? They all seem to be ranked fairly highly academically for law, depending on whose measures to believe, but is that accurate? What are they actually like to be around? Fun, uptight? In the city, stuck in the middle of nowhere? What's the weather like? (in Sydney, it doesn't get colder than about 50 F in winter, so that's going to get scary)

More importantly, since I'll hopefully be going in the September semester, how feasible is it to get to any Skins games from them? Are they all in road-trip distance of Washington/NY/Dallas? How long before games do you have to get tickets?

Any and all advice gratefully received :),


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Im not a law school guy and im not even from the US.

But NYU and Cornell will be cold for an Aussie. Not to say its not bearable though and heck snow can be fun.

Duke is probably the closest to Skins Home Games with NYU coming a close second. But you could see the Skins play the Giants in New York pretty easily if you were at NYU.

Im not sure how close Duke is to Carolina games and Austin to Dallas or Texan games but there are alot of people from the Carolinas and Texas around the board. Cornell is closest to Bills games but we play there this year so we wont be there for another 6 years or so.

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If you wana go to the best school then Cornell would be the one IMO with Duke running 2nd. Cornell is an Ivy League school(up there with Harvard and Princeton). Duke is a very good school as well. Dukes got the better climate because it is in North Carolina. Cornell is in New York and the winters up there are pretty brutal. Plus, you could drive to some pretty good beaches from Duke as well. It would take you about 4 hours(appox) but the North Carolina shore is awesome.





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Thanks for all the advice, guys - it's really helpful :) .

William and Mary's got a great looking law school, but Sydney doesn't have an exchange arrangement with it, so, even if they'd let me come for just a semester, they'd charge me an extra $15,000 or so, so it's not really an option for me :( .

Texas is in the heart of enemy territory, but it would be wonderful to see a Dallas game, and they've got a great Classics program (ancient Greek's my main undergrad major), which I might be able to sit in on.

NYU seems to have a very good international law reputation...and it might be fun to see snow (seen it twice in my lifetime - you have to fly off specially to the mountains to see it here). Cornell, which is even further north, is probably a little too cold for my beach-going Aussie blood :) .

And Duke seems to be warm, and within realistic driving distance of HogFest. I'm trying not to let proximity to Skins games influence things too much, and look at academic reputation instead, but it's tricky :) .

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Look no further than the University of Virginia... haha, I admit to having a conflict of interest because I currently attend undergrad there (and love it) and it is a highly regarded law school in a beautiful area only 2 hours from where the 'Skins play.

But in all honesty, I don't think Charlottesville would be the place to spend your time in the States. There are so many more amazing places to visit for young people--- Boston, DC, NYC, Miami, Chicago, San fran, San Diego, New Orleans, Seattle... But of the schools you listed, I personally would attend University of Texas at Austin. A great city, and really fun school with lots of drinking and beautiful women (good combo). Pay no mind that it's Dallas territory; you'll meet people from everywhere.

Duke is nice, but I found it boring, and I was raised to hate the school with all my soul.

NYU might be a huge culture shock (at least for me it was) since it's big-city living in the biggest of big cities. But most people love living there. It's extraordinarily expensive, but the fun you have might make up for it. Cornell is in Ney York state, but far from the City. It's on the bluffs overlooking a lake and has a nice college town (Ithaca) nearby, but boy is it cold in the winter.

You wont lose with any of those choices, though. Happy hunting.

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Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for all your help and advice :cheers: .

If all goes well, and they accept me, I'll be off to the University of Texas for football season 2K4, then backpack around the States after semester. So far, must-sees include NY, Washington, Boston, LA, SF, New Orleans, Miami and Montana (amazing-looking mountains).

Then it's back home, penniless but with some unbelievable experiences, to get a proper job so I can do it all again :D .

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I wouldn't've figured a "Catullus" to be working with Greek classics, but maybe you have a healthy respect for all of antiquity? :)

Actually, I'm from the Univ of Florida studying at QUT in Brisbane right now and know people at a few of the law schools you've mentioned. I think Austin is the wise choice. Cornell is well and truly in the middle of nowhere, while NYU is pretty good, and Duke is okay but takes some getting used to in law I hear. But the weather will be better and sunny weather makes XSkins happier.


Well because we're not evil. And I hope you wear your Skins clothing with pride in TX. We need all the operatives we can get!

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