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I voted Steelers


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Coles is great, Jacobs is untested and to be quite honest I think Gardener is just a decent WR, nothing great about him.

I voted Steelers with the Raiders a close second. But then again I'm from Indiana University and I have bias for Antwan at #3 spot.

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Thanks for participating and we appreciate your vote, but shouldn't your post be here?


If everyone who voted on a poll started a seperate thread so they could officially anounce their vote to the forum we'd have anarchy (not that anything's wrong with that).

Just something to think about. ;)

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Dickens - Another good reason to take head of BCS's advice is... no one knows what the heck you're talking about in this post except those that voted in that particular poll. And even though I happened to vote in that poll... it took me a few seconds to clue in and make the connection.

Besides, there's already a great discussion in the aforementioned thread... there's no need to start an entirely new one.

Though I'm sure this was just an accident of hitting the "New Thread" button instead of the "Add Reply" button right? :silly:

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