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Times like these...


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We all fall into one of the following catagories:

1) I love the sport of football and the Redskins are my favorite team. However, when things are not going well I tend to loose interest or I am pissed at the Skins and follow another team.

2) I love the Redskins and feel blessed that I saw them win 3 superbowls in my lifetime. Now that thinks are not going well I root for them even harder then before because I feel they need my support.

Number 1) is a fan of the game with a favorite team. This person is not a Redskins fan nor a fan for any other team. A fan is a term used to loosely. They have a favorite and a second favorite team or they may find they can change favorite teams. Number 2) is a Redskin fan. Fan is short for fanatic. They may get upset but can not imagine ever changing teams or seriously rooting for a second team. There is too much of an emotional investment involved.

Number 1) and number 2) will never understand each other, ever. Some fans pull for their teams a whole lifetime and die with out seeing a championship and they were happy fans. Look at Capital fans. Redskins fans are going through hard times, no doubt, but we are blessed and when we do get on track it will make winning that much better. That is how I see it.

I don't fall into either of those categories. I am a fan of the WASHINGTON REDSKINS. I don't know if I'd even watch pro football if not for my love of the WASHINGTON REDSKINS. When the WASHINGTON REDSKINS play well, I am very happy and fun to be around. When the WASHINGTON REDSKINS play poorly, it makes me very angry. And somewhat sad. But mostly angry. And irrational. And I speak in fragmented sentences. I don't feel that they need my support, they probably wouldn't care if I took a looooooong dirt nap. It is ME who needs THEM. And I'm OK with that. But I reserve the right to ***** incessantly when I feel the need to.

But my love for the WASHINGTON REDSKINS NEVER wavers.

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The true, die hard fans of this franchise have a right to be pissed off, and the true die hard fans wont ditch this team for another. If you are a fairweather fan, and won't stick with the redskins because they are going through difficulties, then show yourself out and dont let the door hit you in the ****ing ass. We dont need bandwagon, fairweather fans around here anyway.

I love this team and always will. When they play like this, I get frustrated, depressed, and incredibly angry, but I could never root for another team.

Real skins fans will always be skins fans. There is nothing wrong with letting your displeasure be known when our team is struggling, but no excuse for rooting for another team because of it.

Agreed. Although I live and go to school in the heart of Charlotte, 5 mins away from the Panthers stadium, work with diehards who are so excited to finally have a good Panthers team, I will never give up on my Skins. Can I root for the Panthers to do good b/c I like some of their players? Sure. But I'm a diehard Skins fan and will never switch teams b/c my team isn't doing so good. The Skins are like a drug and I'm hooked.

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