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Precursor to disaster ?


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With two earthquakes in as many weeks in the South East, does mother earth have something brewing ? I know that there’s seismic activity going on all the time on our continent, but two events more then just tremors gets me wondering. I remember watching a show some time back on the subject. They had spent some time covering a major fault line under Memphis to New Orleans that runs well into the gulf that is largely inactive. If memory serves me, they said that they expected a catastrophic event around the turn of the century. Could the resent rumblings be a warning of things to come?

Could Memphis and more crumble into the earth and the mighty Missisip growing to thirty five miles wide, with all life within thirty miles of the gulf including the entire state of Florida be wiped of the face of the earth by a tsunami. Could people in Atlanta have beach front property soon ? Or is it just the drugs the doctor has me on for the past week to help with stress ? :doh:

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It's not totally crazy. I know there's a history of earthquakes in the VA area that seem to happen about every 80 years (sorry to be inexact, it's been a while since I read up on it). I remember them saying it was about time for another one sometime last year. In fairness though, the quakes' history in this area have all been rather small. I don't think we're talking CA scale.

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Here's a horses mouth resource on all things earthquake.


There is no question but that our left coast friends live under a far more immediate and dramatic threat, but those of us in the east will get a chance to hear china rattling in the cabinets at some point, too. It's just a matter of when ... and how strong.

And while we're talking natural phenomena, if you don't know already, take a few minutes to read up on the Yellowstone Caldera in Montana. When THAT one goes ... we'll be feeling the shocks on both coasts, and not needing our Foster Grants for a good long while.

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They have always said there will be a MAJOR quake on the east coast that would destroy many buildings in a couple of major cities. Remember, the buildings here are not built with the same protection as buildings on the west coast.

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