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what would it take?....


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With the exception of a miracle, what do you think it would take for Danny to take a step back, realize that Cerrato can't build a team worth crap, and hire a GM that actually knows what they're doing?....Over nearly the past 10 years this has been one of the most average/sub-par teams in the league....and right now there are only 3 teams than us that have scored less points this season(bengals, rams, raiders)...and it would be a lot worse if it wasn't for our lucky start....I can't begin to imagine what our record will be next year due to the ammount of major holes we have...

so back to the main question....what will it take for snyder to turn this teams future over to someone who actually knows what they're doing?

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You know, Vinny gets a lot of flack for the way he has done things, and rightfully so, but I think he is learning. I think he made better decisions last year than he has in the offseason in years before. Lets see what he does this offseason. Maybe he will take appropriate steps to sure up the lines like he should. Lets just see where this offseason goes since we have seen improvements recently with the handling of the draft and such.

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It isn't going to happen because he wants to keep his little fingers in everything and having Vinny as the figurehead GM allows him to do that.

If I owned a football team, I would want my fingers in everything too. But thats just the type of personality I have. Is it right? Probably not since there are better people who know more in each area but I can definitely understand that mentality

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