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Back from Baltimore - Life from Section 141


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Ugh....rough overall night obviously especially being there in person.

About the only positive I can really think of is the fact that so many Redskins fans were up there....Tons, everywhere....I was surounded in my section. It was truly great to see throughout the stadium. Very little trashtalk from Ravens fans whatsoever, I was expecting MUCH more considering that I thought they hated us so much......or so I was told last week. The occasional Redskins suck was tossed around but if thats the worst that was said then that is a win. People around us were nice and let us have it a bit more after the final TD......yapping about going home and getting out of their stadium...but it wasnt that bad really.

Their stadium is nice, the jumbotrons are great but other than that, the actual location and easy access I wasnt really blown away either way...it reminds me of any stadium - except with purple everywhere.

And to all the people that harp on our fanbase for leaving early etc.....the entire 2nd half the upper deck was probably 1/3 empty or more from people filing out. At halftime when i was at the b.r. tons of people were balling out...maybe due to the cold, due to the score??? who knows...but they left and thats a fact...lower level remained fuller but people were clearing out so i dont want to hear anymore bashing of Skins fans leaving etc....

Seeing the game from my vantage point (endzone) makes it easy to see how things develop versus TV....a couple things..

1) Campbell has NO time to throw the ball...its really disturbing. People want to bash him but before he got to the depth of his dropback he was already being chased or tackled. It really is astonishing how other teams can get pressure on our QB so easily.

2) People continue to harp on going deep....let me tell u this...our WR's were not open deep. The one shot to ARE that got broken up wasnt even close to being a completion, he was blanketed. Numerous other times I sat and wished we'd attempt deep but their DB's were stuck on our WR's....Moss wasnt getting any seperation. The only stuff open were the short routes and Im not sure what happen to Cooley but he dissappeared after that first catch it feels like.

3) Our pass rush is beyond pathetic. Its the DE's and its also the scheme...the GW and Blache scheme is just weak. It is a very basic bland defense and I think its time for a change in philosophy on that side of the ball. We "RARELY" stunted on the D-line & our blitz package was so weak on the few times we did blitz - Flacco literally was making me sick how long he stood there and guys were nowhere near him. It was pathetic.

Watching the Ravens on D was night and day from us...they were stunting/shifting/running some delayed and exotic blitzes....it was a TRUE coordination of defense. We run the same garbage every time..its a joke.

The current Defensive system has been in place since '04 and its time for a change on that side of the ball in my opinion.

Looked like Jansen/Samuels were getting abused before they got injured...not til this morning did I realize they got injured and left in the 2nd half. I thought maybe Jansen got benched for Heyer.

Anyway I had a blast & would do it again if the game were to be played this weekend....we fed the Ravens with TO's and that is how teams lose. When truly GOOD teams play the Ravens and play sound football not turning the ball over I think the Ravens will be no match. Giving them their shortfields was their lifeline.

Hail To The Redskins For Life

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Thanks for the insightful post RedskinsNation; I've only been to games a few years back and was anxious to see the entire field, especially during our offensive drives. The defense may not be fancy, but they have been getting the job done this season. I felt bad last night when they did their part until the end, but the offense just can't contribute. Thanks again for your post.

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I agree with the GW/GB scheme. They have never put emphasis on pass rush without the blitz. This is hard to watch

I wonder, though, how much is the scheme and how much is the player by player execution. Remember in '04 and '05 Williams was applauded for what were thought to be high-pressure schemes. Now we're using the same schemes and same blitzes, but just not getting there.

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