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A celebration of Sean Taylor's life


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Today is a day to celebrate

The life of someone who was truly great.

At the young age of twenty-four

It was God's plan that death should come to your door.

On the one-year anniversary, I will not mourn this loss.

Instead, I will salute your great friendship to those like Portis and Moss.

You also were such a wonderful father, brother, and son.

Sean Taylor, in our hearts, you'll always be number one.

You were so caring, giving, and kind

And your football talent blew my mind.

You always tried your best,

Never did you view it as time to rest.

For all these reasons, you continue to be an inspiration

To the players and fans in Redskins Nation.


Sean, you'll always be in my heart and my thoughts. When I feel like giving up, you are my inspiration to persevere. When my children are making me crazy, I think of you and remember how lucky I am to be around them at all. When I feel myself getting a little selfish and self-centered, I remind myself of your extreme generosity toward others.

Sean, both professionally and personally, you accomplished so much in your brief 24 years. While you left this world too early, it truly is a blessing that you were here at all.

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Well done :applause:

The thing that most people don't understand is that Sean was a symbol for most of us, and this is reason alone why we should never forget him.

He was hope and inspiration for myself. Watching him gave me a desire to go out swinging in everything I do in life and to give my best no matter what the odds. He was also perseverance in overcoming some of the negative things early on in his career. Lastly and most importantly, I feel to all of us he represented the ability to change and become a better person. He was trying to shed the negativity in his past. I know we all have things in our life that we either aren't proud of or don't like about ourselves and would love to change. He symbolizes that ability to turn over a new leaf.

I had all of this thought out more eloquently yesterday, but this is what I can manage considering I woke up about 4 minutes ago.

Thanks for all you did and represented Sean.

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