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Asylum.Com: Obama Victory Shamelessly Exploited By Horny Masses


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Craigslist's Casual Encounters section is like a microcosm of society, in that no matter what is going on in the world, be it a holiday, news event or economic downturn, it will be reflected in the desires of the folks who post there. Don't believe us? No sooner were the votes tallied before posts entitled "Obama is president ... let's have sex" and "Obama = change ... spread the love" began to appear in New York's CE section.

We've broken the post-election sentiments down into four rough categories.

1) Obama won! Let's celebrate by having sex! An excellent tactic that hopes to take advantage of general happiness and a mood of celebration. As one m4w put it, "We did it! Now let's do it. Yes we can. Get it on."

2) Let's have interracial sex to celebrate this social milestone! A perhaps more dubious approach, this tactic makes an extended metaphor of the presumably increased tolerance and harmony reflected by Obama's win. "White boy" says, "I want to make love to a black woman to commemorate the new day in this country, how blacks and whites will move forward together, and of course, for some hot sex. "

3) Obama is black, and so am I. Therefore, you should have sex with me. "Obama is president, why not try a black guy?" Hard to argue with that sort of logic.

4) I voted for a different candidate than you and would now like to have angry, confrontational sex. Says the Obama supporter, "If you have a McCain button that would be hot but not essential." The conservative says, "I want to give it to her real hard and rough so she can feel how I felt last night as the election results came in."

Check out some screen shots after the jump. (these are interesting)

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