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Kenard Lang boycotts the shower.


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Remember when Bruce Smith slept in the lobby at a hotel because Big Daddy snored so loud ? Well, whoever has the misfortune of being Kenard Lang's roommate will be doing the same thing, in light of the recent change in Kenard's hygiene habits, according to this report :

Success may smell sweet to DE Kenard Lang, but his teammates may disagree as the week progresses. Lang joked he wouldn't change anything out of superstition, including his clothes.

"I've got to keep everything the same," Lang said. "I'm not bathing. I'm wearing the same outfit. I'm not brushing my teeth. I'm not combing my hair."

[edited.gif by Mick on October 26, 2001.]

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Or perhaps Kenard has just discovered a sly method of deterring the annoying crowds of autograph-seekers without being rude.

Just one whiff by all those rushing 8-year old boys holding pen and pad, and suddenly Lang is left alone while suddenly Central McClellion looks like a better choice for an autograph

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gbear, I think that was Schlereth that used to be infamous for smelling up the trenches. Didn't they nickname him "Stinky" back on the Gibbs teams?


<IMG SRC="http://www.compucheap.com/fungraph/pee.gif" border=0><IMG SRC="http://www.cbc.ca/gfx/photos/binladen_osama.jpg" border=0>

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Yeah and when teammates start getting nicknames and getting tighter with each other, that transends a better team relationship.

I know also there were some awful teams with plenty of teammates with nicknames, but Lang's playing good and a name like "Funkmiester" or Kenard "funky clubber" Lang aint bad laugh.gif

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