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Redskins Regressions


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Read out my post before you reply because I'm not bashing anyone on the redskins. We played ****astic last night and it was a team effort. We left so many holes everywhere that it was obvious.

1. J. Campbell - During the first half he looked calm, cool and collected. After his first pick of the season he continued trying to force it in there (Watch the end of the game when he was throwing bullet passes). Not only that but many of his plays he took WAY too many steps back and didn't step up into the pocket (This can also be because our O-Line was letting people by like it was a skinny person trying to block a fat person from getting some cake).

2. O-line - They just played terrible, beyond terrible, hell Terribad even. Jon Jansen? What the hell we're you doing in there? Every played you got owned time and time again. Your pass protection skills have far diminished and the only thing you have is run blocking which looked equally as bad last night. O-Line was probably the biggest pile of garbage of last nights game. Forcing campbell to drop 10 - 15 steps back, and not allowing CP to get some running room in the back field. Again TERRIBAD performance.

3. DBs - Why in anyones mind would you think, HEY THERE ON THE 1 YARD LINE! LETS HAVE OUR DBs GIVE THEM SOME ROOM! Whichever genius called that play should be drilled into by jim zorn. That was THE worst play I have ever seen this season. LaRon had no fire going into this game, Smoot got burned a few times especially by nate washington, Clos regressed back and played like an idiot, only bright spot in our DBs is Chris "Judge Dread" Horton, who played like a mad man. Let's hope London Fletcher rips them a new one when they get back to practice, and hope Shawn Springs will be good after the bye week.

4. Brightspots - Chris Horton of course showing his talent even as a rook, this kids going to be a play maker in the coming years. CP showing that when you can't run, he can catch and is again a viable target in our passing game. Devin Thomas, now I know people were drilling him and saying he shouldn't be on the field. Well I believe that it was a brightspot for the kid because he's getting playing time, the way to get better and learn from your mistakes is getting playing time in the regular season against a non conference team. Chris Cooley (as always).

Thats about all I can think of for now.

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Yeah but we are 6-3, we have a MUCH NEEDED bye week and we are in the playoff hunt.

We just had a bad game. The Steelers fan next to me even said it. He kept saying it's a damn shame because the Skins are a good team.

You have good games and bad games. Sometimes Ovechkin scores 3, other times he's non existent.

My only worry is that we play bad in two weeks because it's yet another prime time game. Hope not.

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Yeah but we are 6-3, we have a MUCH NEEDED bye week and we are in the playoff hunt.

We just had a bad game. The Steelers fan next to me even said it. He kept saying it's a damn shame because the Skins are a good team.

You have good games and bad games. Sometimes Ovechkin scores 3, other times he's non existent.

My only worry is that we play bad in two weeks because it's yet another prime time game. Hope not.

This is true, which means we gotta push forward and destroy the cowgurls :dallasuck

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Steelers D > Cowboys D.

The team is tired and banged up because our schedule was also, as you say, "****astic."

It didn't help that Moss was not on the field in the second half. That injury was apparently affecting him more than people thought.

Truth be told, we might have been better off just swallowing that one and at least getting through it as healthy as we could. It's not the best way to look at things, but sometimes it's just not your night. It's better than trying to force the issue and getting someone hurt permanently. Personally, I think they should have benched Campbell for Collins because the former was getting hit too much. The last thing you want in a game that's pretty much out of reach is for your QB to go down with a permanent injury. I'd say, depthwise, we'd be better off than the Cowboys are right now, but in the grand scheme of things, Campbell is having a good year.

Our team was just extremely tired and went up against the best defense in the NFL.

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