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We are who they think we are...


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...A good team in the mix with other teams but not an elite team. This is exactly why we don't get the respect that we think we deserve on the national scene. Jeez! Did we lay an egg or what? We got beat by the Steelers like we stole something at home and on National TV too. I am very very disappointed not even in the loss but the way we played on offense. With that said, we are probably going to be a wildcard team but really we need to improve on offense if we are going to get things done this year. With that said, win, lose, or draw, it has, it is, and it will always be Redskins for life!

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We are one and done in the playoffs...if we get there. Thats assuming no major injuries. We just don't have the depth or the weapons in key positions. When/if Devin Thomas and Malcom Kelly start contributing we will be much better. We need to continue to aquire O-line personel...if any of those lineman go out we are dimished greatly whereas other quality teams have good backups.

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I wouldn't say one & done, but this ain't the type of team that can walk on the field & play their C game expecting to beat anybody. This was the hangover game from 3 weeks of patsies. They have two weeks to get things straight. If they keep the penalties down, and erase the TO's, I think they can beat anybody.

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