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Capital File: Jason Taylor Interview (shot out to Huly's gatherings)


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Pretty decent interview, but this caught my attention:

LC: What have you found most surprising here, in making the transition to Washington?

JT: How passionate people are about their team. In Miami, we had great fans, but it’s crazy here. People are standing outside the facility on the day you leave for a game. We came home from the Giants game at 4:30 in the morning after we lost, and there were tons of people standing out here to greet us coming back into the facility. The fanfare—you go to the stadium and there are 92,000 fans and they don’t have trouble selling games out. Football means a lot in this area.


Huly, you deserve mad props for organizing these.

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I didn't see this until just now :silly:

....and I was one of the ones saying he'd be in awe of our fans (AWESOME job Huly, Pez, and everyone else that participates in the sendoffs). I mean, the fans suck down here. There are some diehards, but few and far between 'em. I actually have a friend who is a Dolfan that is flying up with me for the Cowboys game, I know that game and seeing real fans, real tailgates, and a really rocking stadium will finish converting him to a Skins fan.

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