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Being on call from work


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I work at a job (IT helpdesk area) that ever 6 weeks or so we are "on call". Basically this requires us to have a pager and after hours (Normal business hours are 7:30-5:30) if someone calls, they leave a message, the pager goes off, you check the message and call them back.

Well technically we don't get paid for this time we are on call. If someone calls and I have to call them back and troubleshoot the situation I can mark this on my time sheet. But if I get no call the whole week then I don't mark any extra time on the time sheet. We were mentioning this in our office, what rights does a worker have in this situation? I mean technically out of working ours is not truly mine during this time when on call, I would be able to go out of town a weekend when on call, and the issue am I able to get wasted while having the pager? To me I don't think there is anything wrong with being sober and not leaving as long as I get compensated.

Just curious on other's opinions and situation at other jobs.

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I work as a designer and a System Operator for the electric utility company here in the area. We're On-Call every seven weeks in teams of two (plus most teams have a trainee as a third person). We're On-Call from 7:00am on one Friday until 7:00am the next Friday. M-F from 7am until 3:30pm there's a daytime operator who takes care of things but all weekend and from 3:30pm until 7:00am we have to be available to respond on a moment's notice. We are not allowed to drink ANY alcohol during the on-call week and must always be within 50 miles (1 hour travel time) of the Worcester office.

I've had weeks where I've racked up 50-70 hours of OT and others where I've had less than 10 hours. All depends on the week. Definitely stressful and annoying though, despite the $45 an hour emergency pay rate and $200 stipend.

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I'm an MIS Manager and you should be paid for the burden of carrying the pager.

We pay an hour of OT a day for carrying the pager. Employment legalities have come up because no actual work was being performed for the hour of OT so we are considering changing our reimbursement package to a stipend (something to the effect of $20 a day and $50 per weekend).

You should bring this up to your manager and HR. You are having to sacrifice your nights and weekends and should be compensated.

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I work in the Sales Office of a full service hotel. Recently they have required us to start working manager on duty shifts every 5 weeks. This basically involves me being in charge of the entire hotel from 5-10pm on either Friday or Saturday night.

I'm the only non-department head that is required to do this. We get no overtime or comp time for doing this. The thing that really sucks, is not being a dept head, I don't really have any "extra" work I could do. I finish all my work and still usually have a few hours a day to dick around. A typical Friday for me, I come in at 8am, am done by 10am and then spend the rest of the day dicking around hoping the phone rings. As you can imagine I'm really looking forward to my first Friday MOD shift this week. 12 hours sitting here with absolutely nothing to do and knowing I'm not getting paid for the last 5hrs...

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You should bring this up to your manager and HR. You are having to sacrifice your nights and weekends and should be compensated.

I was told that one time it was brought up to HR but they said something along the lines that we aren't essential because it's not life threatening, such as working at a hospital. But I dunno how much HR really researched it. I do work at a state agency, so figured I could get info somewhere but no idea where.

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