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My Sprint bill is 13 pages long.


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And it's not even an egregious bill. This is just normal usage, within the limits of a normal minutes plan. And most of the pages AREN'T the call detail log!

Sprint seems to add superfluous pages to the bill every month. Now it features not 1, not 2, but 3 FULL PAGE ADS in the middle of the bill. Ads for SPRINT, not for anyone else. Ads for Sprint services that, by and large, I ALREADY HAVE.

I print this monstrosity on my home printer from the Sprint website, for reimbursement from work. Only one of the pages is useful -- maybe 2 or 3 if I need some itemized detail. So now I have to print over a dozen pages just to get the 3 I need, or pick over the bill and manually print individual pages one at a time.

Oh, and Sprint doesn't even know how to give you the features you pay for. Apparently it's possible to "have" a feature on your account, bought and paid for, without actually being able to use it on your phone because some dumbass forgot to flip a swtich, or because some computer somewhere keeps switching it off.

I have a relative who manages a Sprint store. His advice: "Sprint sucks. Go with someone else."

With Verizon the bill was 5 pages, tops, and contained the same information. I can't wait to go back to those guys. At least they know what they're doing.


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