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Is Newman really worth a top 5 pick?


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All the mock drafts say so. I know he is a GREAT prospect...it's just hard for me to accept drafting a 29 year old DB that high. Heck, he probably won't even be able to finish his first contract (which tends to be 6-7 years for a pick that high). At best, his skills will be erroding about the time he really gets full NFL experience. Is there anyone else who thinks this way or am I just being myopic?

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Yep. And at 24 :D He's not all that old. :silly: Aside from being just plain good at just about everything. Track, baseball, Football, guys probably a good golfer even :silly: He can play both ways and is fast enough to get pulled over in residential areas when running. He also returns kicks. And he knows how to handle the ball when he does.... unlike somebody we know....cough cough ahem. Kid is flat out good. The only thing that may knock him down are the reports about his shoulder injury. Hear he's been invited to New York for the draft. Always a good sign. Newman according to ESPN.


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Before McGahee's injury, there were two guys I was terrified that Dallas would get - McGahee and Newman.

I see Newman as comparable to Champ Bailey and he'll likely be drafted higher than Champ was (#7). I've been reading that rumor about an atrophied deltoid muscle or some such, but unless there was an obvious physical defect, I'd wouldn't say taking him at the top of the draft was so outlandish given the questions about all the other players.

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Not only is Newman a stud, but it's also worthwhile to note that first-round DBs historically have the highest NFL success rate compared to players at other positions.

This is an interesting article written last year that breaks down the success of 1st rounders by position and also by draft order within the first-round.


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