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SAGE talks the talk and WALKS THE WALK!!!

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For thoes of you who are, like me, Sage fans take heart. Our boy is growing into a man right before SOS's eyes!!!!<br /><br />Here's an excerpt from an article on the minicamp:<br /><br /> </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">The first-team quarterback was Sage Rosenfels, a second-year player and the only holdover quarterback from last year's Redskins. Even so, he actually looked much sharper than the Spurrier-savvy Wuerffel, who wore gloves.<br /></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">GIVE 'EM HELL SAGE!!!<br /><br /><a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A21624-2002Mar26.html" target="_blank">http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A21624-2002Mar26.html</a>

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Sage likely has the least margin for error in Spurrier's eyes as he's the only QB Spurrier hasn't brought in. Even Dameyeune Craig was at least an opposing SEC QB against Spurrier's Gators in college. Sage is a total stranger, and he'd better perform well right away.

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I like unforseen success stories. I would love for this guy to come into his own this year, while showing he can consistantly lay it out there accurately. I would like to see footwork that belongs to a seasoned vet or at least a vast improvement.<br /><br />There is one area that always works with a vastly improved player - Fiedler, Warner, Brady, Brooks and McNabb, and that is working out hard to get there. Should Sage improve all the weaknesses, he is definitely in the running to steal the show, and that would shut up the critics around the country about what's in camp.<br /><br />Adrenalin flows through the exicted's veins when the spotlight shows and that will be the telling blow. When those drills get tougher and training camp rolls around, with Marco, Bruce, Big Daddy, LaVar, Jessie, Darrell, Champ, Fred, Same, and Lyle all gang up on the first team offense for a few sessions. That is when the real shows from Sage, should he be at the helm. As Lewis turns up the notches on him, he must respond to each call. Then the survivor of this is the likely starter, because he would have faced no less than one of the top 4-10 defenses for the coming season.<br /><br />I would give him big odds on getting it done too.<br />Not a single whine or whimper. No thrown water coolers, screaming back at the coach, no begging to be traded or let go, or early retirement to become an investment group executive. No he has one goal. Not just make the team, but become it's starter!

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Man, I'm just pulling for the kid. I've been pro Sage since his drafting, although I thought he was picked a round or two early. <br /><br />Simply put, he's showed alot of the intangibles that make a great QB while at Iowa State. He lead a less than talented group to big wins, either with his arm or with his feet. <br /><br />Yes, he has mechanical problems that need to be solved, but he's still a heck of an athlete. Plus, if anyone can mold him into a starter, it's S2. That's his reputation right?<br /><br />We'll see...but I like what I've heard so far.

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I don't know that it's fair to lay a "Husak" label on Sage quite yet. Anybody who's prepared to judge Sage on what he's had the opportunity to show on the field to date is seriously in need of a humility transplant. <br /><br />Todd's real problem wasn't his skills, or lack thereof (and no, I'm not saying I ever considered him starter material), it was that he was unable to translate the skills he DID possess to the field under live fire. <br /><br />The Husak I saw in practice – and that any number of people far more qualified to judge him than me saw in practice – looked like he might well turn out to be a solid back-up QB, perhaps one who could stand in for George if Jeff couldn't go for a few games. The Husak who showed up under the bright lights against KC in last season's preseason opener, however, was NOT the same guy. For whatever reason, when it came time to take his shot, he froze. That's a head thing, not an arm thing. <br /><br />Whether or not Sage Rosenfels turns out to be even a decent NFL backup remains to be seen, but I would submit that as of this moment there is simply nowhere near enough evidence to make that judgement. All he's done so far is hang in there, learn, and show both a decent skill-set and some apparent intangibles. <br /><br />I say we see him play a bit, and prove that what he's shown to date is a mirage, before we label him a waste of time.<br /> <br /> <small>[ March 27, 2002, 10:29 AM: Message edited by: Om ]</small>

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Thats just a hunch that I have, sure he can turn out to be Jim Montania but I just dont see it. I have trouble seeing a bright NFL future for a guy who in his best season in college ball only completed 53% of his passes, but I hope he proves me wrong.

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