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Philly field


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That field looks like hell. Even my wife asked what's up with that grass. It just doesen't look good at all if you ask me. All the blue seats in the fourth quarter looked great to me though! Seems all the Philly fans had better things to do besides watching their OVER-RATED team get their butts kicked by the Skins!

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It's a hybrid turf that had many problems in its initial installation. Truth be told, it is an improvement over the carpet-warehouse-remnants-over-concrete that they had in the past. The character of their new stadium, with its P$L's and lux$$$ury suites, will likely make playing in Philadelphia a more pleasant experience for visiting teams.

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Originally posted by Kevin West:

The character of their new stadium, with its P$L's and lux$$$ury suites, will likely make playing in Philadelphia a more pleasant experience for visiting teams.

Yeah, plus the local judge may actually get Sunday's off. laugh.gif


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor


"I fear we've awakened a sleeping giant, and filled him with a terrible resolve."

- Japanese Imperial Admiral Yamamoto, after hearing that the Japanese declaration of war failed to reach the U.S. government before the attack upon Pearl Harbor

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