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What Is Fixable and What Bears Watching


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all this talk by the players that the atmosphere was better and they were enjoying it soo much more with the under cutting by williams gone. this team is a group of guys not a team. the defense plays as individuals and so does the offense. in all the fun they forget to come together.put that together with our holes in secondary and oline and you have a problem.

If we start winning a batch of games, let's see if they still look like a group of individuals and not a cohesive group. Winning seems to have a way of pulling a group together, while losing tends to break up the cohesiveness and make them seem like individuals and not a team.

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If we start winning a batch of games, let's see if they still look like a group of individuals and not a cohesive group. Winning seems to have a way of pulling a group together, while losing tends to break up the cohesiveness and make them seem like individuals and not a team.

I always thought is was the opposite. When a group of individuals pulls together and starts playing like a team, they start winning. That beats waiting on someone to give us a game.

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Who cares what the Bears are watching?

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought that. I opened up the thread thinking "who the hell is Bear?" For some reason, it being capitalized totally changed my interpretation.

That being said, I'm glad to see some of the Chicken Littles disappearing back into the woodwork again. There were definitely a lot of things that we have to improve on. Some are easy, some not so. I imagine that this year should give us a lot of things to analyze week to week.

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