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Hotel/Airport Help and Info


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1st, Im not sure if this is the correct forum but I need help/info with Max exposure to get fast recommendations.

Please dont not beat me up to bad, if this is not the correct place and MODS please do not NNT me. Thanks

I am looking to fly up from Florida to a Skins game. Looking at week 3 against the Cards.

I want to fly in on Friday Night, go out a bit and on Saturday see the area and load up on skins gear (cant find crap down here, except for the sucs) and then on Sunday get to the field early for a tailgate with all the other ES members and back out on Monday morning.

Im flying in from Tampa. Should I fly into Dulles or Baltimore. Which is closer or do you recommend?

Also need a Hotel in the area. What or where do you recommend. I want a decent to nice place and area to stay without breaking the bank. Any suggestions?

How far is Dulles from Fedex Field?

Please help me out with any info please.

Also, need about 8 tickets to the game. Thanks

Thanks :cheers:


:dallasuck :gaintsuck :eaglesuck

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Fly into Baltimore, in most cases it is cheaper, but more importantly its a lot closer. However if you want to fly into Dulles you can, im really no expert when it comes to airfare. If you take the Metro it doesnt really matter which airport you go to from a distance perspective.

I suggest that you try to find a hotel near a metro stop. Unless you are going really fancy i say just stay someplace cheap like a Super 8. If you want to stay near the airport i can give you a whole bunch of them near Dulles (i live about 5 minutes away) if you need any help there. Feel free to PM me if you need anything more specific, ill be glad to help you.

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All costs being equal (which they are probably not) I would fly in to Reagan National, and stay overnight in any of the hotels in Rosslyn Virginia. Rosslyn's only 5 minutes from the airport, has a great night life right up the streent in the Clarendon bar district, and is only 10 miles from the stadium.

Don't fly in to Dulles, or stay in the Ashburn/Dulles area. THat's where Redskins park is, but it couldn't be any further from the stadium. Since you're hear for a game, put Dulles out of your mind. Its 45 west of the city. I live near Dulles, and it takes 2+ hours to get to the game on Sunday - in traffic. Do NOT stay in Dulles, Ashburn or Loudoun county..

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