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Dealing with co-worker-a die hard Cowpuss fan


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Just wanted to share this story. A guy that worked for the same company, used to be in a higher position than I. He wasn't my boss directly, thankfully. But, he is a die hard Cowpuss fan. I honestly think the reason he always hated me is cause I'm a die hard Skins fan. It just sickened me to see his Cow**** screen saver, desktop background and all that crap, anytime I had to go into his office. And the guy is a fat ****er, who weighs close to 350-400lbs. He is totally irritating, even without being a Cowpuss fan.

Well, I have since moved up in the company and moved 2 hours away. However, I'm in charge of two divisions for our region, so sometimes have to travel back to my original office.

Last month I found out this guy was coming back on (after being gone for about a year) and I would have to work closely with him. ugh. Well, I'm a professional, so I knew I had to make the best of it.

So I traveled there last week for a day. I walk into his office, and to my disgust, every frickin thing was Cow**** related. His calendar, posters on the wall, a box of tissue even! I was dying in a sea of blue/silver. It really really sucked. I tried to get him to have a friendly bet with me for the season, but he wouldn't even answer me..haha

Well, as I was leaving for the day, he said, "Well, you really moved up in the company fast." All I thought was, "yeah, and now I make twice as much as you fat ****er damn Cow**** fan." Too bad I'd get fired if I really said that.


Well, anyone else have stories of dealing with co workers who are irritatting fans of our rivals?

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you should have said he was like the cowboys,

start off fast but just can't meet expectations to go farther

haha, Sometimes I am really good at comebacks, and other times I just have no clue what to say. And of course, at work I have to be a bit more careful.

I've added in the title, need good comebacks. I'd welcome any ideas for the next time I have to go over there.

One other great memory. Remember when we had 6 seconds left against Dallas and their FG was blocked, and we scored to win the game? A couple years ago. well, both he and I were at work that day and had the TV on. Oh, it was so great to see the look on his face. :D

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