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VS the Bears


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p34, you're in the right place. Opinions are what we do around here.smile.gif

I really haven't seen the Bears enough to have an educated opinion one way or another. But I do suspect that the Redskins should be able to man up on the outside. Do the Bears run the ball well against a stacked line?

My guess is that the defenses are going to have the upper hand in this game.

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I think the Skins have a chance. Will be watching this game, actually going to show it here in Columbus.

Enjoy your season because it will end in the playoffs. You may win one game at best but if you have to face the PAckers or Rams; you run will be over.

Also, you may have a new head coach despite the playoff birth. If that happens it would be shame but it the GM wants his own guy. You could have Tony Dungy as your next coach.

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Payton34... don't come to our board spewing stats out your arse. That is a cowards way out. Try to discuss it within the context of the season. Maybe that is too much for you?

You do realize that the Skins started at 0-5 and where nothing more than walking zombies... that doesn't help our stats one bit does it? If you look at how we played of late I am sure the statistics would be very different.

Try to THINK a bit. That what this board is all about. You don't see us saying "our D is 12th and theirs is 14th, so we will win" do you?

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The point I'm making is the eagles and the skins give up more tds with a less yards. You would think that teams that give up more yards also would give up more points. Whats more important, total yards or total points? As for running,the bears run defense IS cleary better.

If a team is holding an opponent to a few points because they are manhandling their opponents, there is a fear factor there that can take over a game. If a soft defense just manages to hold on more often than other teams, I see an inordinant degree of luck. (see Bulldog's beef with your team). And no, teams do not make their own luck. Luck happens. Skill is another issue.

The running backs are ranked on the yards they gain. Thats what they do, they run for yards. The defenses main goal is to stop the offense from scoring, not to do it in so many yards.

And the defenses are ranked by yards given up. As simple as it is for you to see that on the part of running backs, I don't see how you fail to see that with defenses. I mean, don't you think the running backs main job is scoring? Of course, but ranking them based on points scored is a mirage. There can be a wild fluxuation between the worth of the back and the amount of the points scored.

Davis is a prime example. I don't think that you would disagree with the fact that he is a cadillac. Yet he has precious few touchdowns this year. Does that make him a lesser running back than a guy with much fewer yards, but several more touchdowns? Of course not. In the same way, your defense is as it is ranked. The letdowns have just not hurt you as much as they have other teams.

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Not to be confused with the alleged traitor Walker, I have actually picked the Bears in the man competition.

Do I really want this?? He** no! Is it going to be anything like I said? Close.

The Skins have no doubt shown the propensity to dismantle a giant and stumble on a pea. December for certain players on their roster is a bad month. These are some of the holdovers from a few years back who were starters and did ok, with others who did horrible. I think they carry the torch in this one, once again, showing December is the Skins accursed month of performance.

Sure they have a different set of circumstances, but the coaching is leading them down the same path. I think the opposite is true in this game. A low scoring game will NOT benefit the Skins, since the DL is better in team performance overall than the Skins. Urlacher poses the same kind of problem for the Skins as LaVar Arrington could against the Bears, with Urlacher's mission more damaging than Arrington's. We don't have the kind of coaching that allows Arrington to do what Urlacher does, most of the time.

Miller doesn't need a spy on him, so that could be a major headache for the Bears. He doesn't pose the same kind of threat for the Skins as a McNabb would. It is also mentioned that familiarization can benefit the Skins, since the Bears haven't faced this team. What handicaps us is the QB, the most important part of a "controlled" offense.

His indecision will get us killed on drives that are long or the most important. His indecision to throw can have him eating FEDEX grass all day and I think Urlacher and company will be back in the backfield all day. The Bears play an aggressive swarming defense, like monster bees. True their mishaps have been humorous and their fortunes should have been in Hollywood scripts. Well isn't that how most of our plays have gone when Banks was on or the fact that we needed the same player at least three times to bail us out in the closing minutes of games.

To beat the Bears, YOU MUST be consistant. Otherwise it will be another Cowboy game. Banks doesn't do well against speed, aggression and strange complex defensive schemes, which is really loaded with disquises. His intent to follow one receiver all game long, even when he gets a flow going and reverts, sets up the opposition to stay in the game. Add the useless intentions of Jimmy Raye to abandon the run and the score is out of reach to go back to the run, and guess what Jimmy Raye is going to do...

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Originally posted by MikeB:

Payton34... don't come to our board spewing stats out your arse. That is a cowards way out. Try to discuss it within the context of the season. Maybe that is too much for you?

You do realize that the Skins started at 0-5 and where nothing more than walking zombies... that doesn't help our stats one bit does it? If you look at how we played of late I am sure the statistics would be very different.

Try to THINK a bit. That what this board is all about. You don't see us saying "our D is 12th and theirs is 14th, so we will win" do you?

If you have enough intelligence to read my posts you will notice that I think rankings mean squat. They are based on total yards and that does not correctly show how good a team is. As for being zombies maybe somebody forgot to mention the pre-season was over. I say we'll win because we're the better team. The bears are one of two teams that have won every game their favored in, which means they have never had a letdown all year. The skins have had their share of letdowns. You can call it luck but every team gets lucky breaks during every game. Its the good teams that take advantage of it.

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