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Food for thought: Free Agency/Draft (John Clayton article attached)


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I actually think Zorn is going to free up a roster spot in 2008 by carrying two QB's.

Clearly that will be filled with a WR, but that's another discussion;).

So, with that said there is no reason to draft a QB this season. Even for the practice squad. If all hell breaks loose and god forbid JC and TC are both down, then the season is done regardless of who the 3rd string practice QB is:laugh:.

Just think, with Brunell on the roster last season it kept a potential bubble player like Marcus Mason or Mike Espy from making the team. Or how about another line-man.

the dumbest thing i have ever heard is that the #3 QB isn't important, we by far had the best 3rd QB in the league last yr brunell was an asset as the #3 QB....if we can bring in a guy like craig nall or ryan fitzpatrick guys that have potential and have succeeded in the past and havent been seen by other teams much, then you never know what may happen, if JC gets hurt early in the yr and then todd follows with an injury then what....

remember the eagles and aj feeley when he had a great year...worst football analysis ever by saying a 3rd string QB isnt important

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Boldin for Betts our 2nd this year and 4th next is a better option.

That would be a great deal but its a pipe dream. It would take at least this years first and maybe a 2nd next year and a player they Cards wanted (Betts might be that guy) as a minimum to swing it.

By the way its pure speculation that the Cards would even think about trading Boldin - I have seen nothing in any reports that even resembles the Cards hinting they might think about a deal.

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