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Which "bad karma" do you think ended any hopes for a Patriot victory?


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#1)The Red Hoodie=BB has worn that nasty (probably)never washed gray hoodie for the 18 games all season...He also went 18-0 with that damn thing on!Why would anyone in their right mind, want mess with karma like that? :silly:

#2)Maybe leave her at home?=After watching the destuction of the Cowboys season come to a halt,may blamed jessica Simpson for the loss...How ridiculous?Well.....not so fast!Maybe Brady should played this one safe? :silly:

#3)Predictions=Usually making predictions is a karma killer for your team during the season or even in the playoffs like Haselbeck...("we want the ball and were gonna win"!But simular to Namath in SB 3,Plaxico decides to make a 23-17 prediction...Of course...Brady laughed at that notion,just like the Colts did as well! :silly:

#4)Spygate distraction=The Patriots had been immune to any distractions all year starting from the "original" Spygate scandel to Moss being accused of beating his girlfriend...Of course...none had any affect throughout the regular season and even the playoffs...But just days before the Superbowl,Spygate decided to rear it's ugly head again!Could this just been enough to deflate a team that had been perfect all year? :silly:

#5)Upset of Biblical proportions=Never mess with the Bible...!Those of you who have read your bible know that David the little small guy with just a slingshot and a stone as is weapon,slung his stone and hit the "Giant" Phillistine in the head as he fell to the ground...Let that be a lesson to those who think they are either perfect or invincible....Don't give the Lord a reason to strike you down...Nothing wrong with winning or even striving for perfection or near perfection as we should all be the best person that we can be...But doing so in an unethical manner with errogance and selfish pride,can and only doom you to the worst of circumstances! :silly:

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I don't think the red hoodie was the problem. After all Tiger Woods has been wearing red on Sundays for years, pretty much as a testament that he expects to win.

The most recent Boston Karma probably started and peaked with the Red Sox most recent World Series. Then came SpyGate. But the Pats and the Celtics still started off on fire.

But in recent weeks, the Celts have become almost average (at one point 5-5 after a 29-3 start) and the Pats, while winning, weren't winning in the ways accustomed.

Then came more allegations, Spygate, Part Deux as it were.

Somehow the idea of applying for copyrights to "19-0" and "The Perfect Season" probably didn't help, but the air has been slowly leaking out of the Boston balloon for a while.

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