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Parsing Joe G's Postgame Press Conference…I hope I am Wrong, but…

skins fan1010

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As with respect, it's something that's earned.

Not to mention I am quite loyal. The skins have been, and always will be my team. I, unlike you, don't misplace my loyalty with the staff.

So you dont respect Gibbs? You sound like, what have you done for me lately. Forget what you did yesterday, today for that matter. What are you going to do for me tomorrow.
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Reading too much into things.

Or not :paranoid: :laugh:

He also mentioned on his website in his weekly devotional that he "had to put his family before his profession..." I knew then that he was gone. He mentioned it before the Dallas game, and he had certainly made up his mind by then. Why? I guess we'll never know except for the fact that I think he feels obligated to his family right now. On the one hand you wonder why he would leave things in such turmoil, but if you really look at it, the team came together and the hardest of times. For them, a coaching change can't possibly be harder than what they had to go through this year. Gibbs, in my mind, is doing the right thing. I hate to see him go, but I completely understand.


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Gibbs is done. Yes, the signs were there--some of the words foreshadowing his intentions. He has thought about this.

Shawn Taylor said good-bye to this team when they beat Dallas by 21. With that improbable 21-point victory, he said to them, "Remember me, guys. I love you." But he had to move on. He couldn't stay with these guys throughout an entire postseason. He had more important places to go.

Now the team can finally say good-bye to Shawn Taylor.

And Gibbs, his future lies elsewhere as well. Shawn's death reminded him of just how quickly it can all end. He is old, and tired, and he has his family to love and cherish before he dies. There's a lot of love there to be missed if he stays with the Redskins. Joe will go, and so will Bugel and some of the other old-timers.

It was fun, but sooner or later, we all have to move on.

The reigns of the Redskins can and should be handed to Al Saunders, the offensive guru, and a smooth transition should occur.

Joe Gibbs gave us what no one in this town really expected but many longed for--a second chance to relive the glory days. Many of us were reminded in the course of things that you cannot relive the past, that past miracles occur not just because of one man but as a result of magical circumstances, special groupings of people, and the right time.

Yes, we were reminded that you can't relive the past, but this time, just once, it sure was fun trying.

SEAN Taylor.

SEAN Taylor, repeat... SEAN taylor...

SHAWN Springs.. there we go

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i knew gibbs was done when they talked about his grandson having lukemia and stuff like that.. And also that mrs. gibbs wanted him home... I told my whole family that from the begininng of thise year and I selfishly wish i was wrong.. BUt the man is 67 years old guys and yes he is joe gibbs..

but no matter what joe gibbs does i will always respect him just as i respect my father.

he's that great of a man.

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Then dont whine if we go back to the chaos that we were before he came back. How quickly we forget.

Of course, you never know.

Remember how bad Tampa Bay was for so long? And then Dungy goes in and they start winning, thanks to the defense he built? And then Dungy got fired despite, I believe, making the play-offs that year? How many fans of TB do you think assumed that TB would revert to its old losing ways? But shedding Dungy for Gruden got them a Super Bowl win - and Dungy got to move on to Indy and prove he could run a good offense (and win a Super Bowl himself).

The last time Gibbs left, at the end of his first run, I was excited. I remember talking to my dad about how it was this new chapter for 'Skins fans and maybe it'd be exciting and the team identity would be new and I saw only positive for such a storied franchise and... well, that didn't work out so well. We haven't had much of anything since Gibbs left.

Gibbs 2.0 wasn't the greatest run but it did bring structure to our team (kind of like Marty Schottenheimer started doing when he was here - and to be honest, I always felt like Marty should have been our Dungy to build the team for someone else to take over). Gibbs leaving has me a lot less excited this time around (but, yeah... I do hold mostly the same feelings, too, as I did the first time he left... the next chapter... the optimism...), but I am hoping that Snyder understands things a whole lot more than he had prior to Gibbs. And, with Gibbs as an advisor, I find myself with more reason to be optimistic. Gibbs may not be around 24/7, or anything close to it, but he'll be in Snyder's ear for the important decisions - i.e. who the next coach should be. That's a positive. A big one.

Gibbs 2.0 was never going to win it all. Our team always seemed a step behind, and Gibbs wasn't getting younger. He needed to build the franchise a solid foundation and then find someone to take it from there. No one knows what happens next. The next coach (Cowher? Williams? Someone else?) could be a flop or could continue building the team that Gibbs started. But it had to happen sooner or later.

If the team goes back to its pre-Gibbs 2.0 chaotic ways, I will most certainly whine. But that's just the way it works. :P

PS The guy misspelled Sean as Shawn. Big woop. :P The comment itself was definitely touching.

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