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How did Sean Taylors Death Change you?


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For me I used to he hypercritical of the Redskins. Growing up in the 80's I was used to winning and losing all the time was driving me crazy. I have been very critical of Joe Gibbs, Dan Snyder, the ball boy, the equipment manager, the guy who takes care of the field, etc, etc. Then came Sean's tragic death and it put a whole new perspective on football and even life for me. Part of me still can't believe he is gone, I grieved with all of the Redskin Nation but I watched very carefully how Joe Gibbs handled the situation and I can honestly say that it changed how I look at everything involving the Redskins. There isn't anyone I would want to have coaching this team than Joe Gibbs right now. Nobody would have said a thing if the team packed it in for the rest of the year after Sean's death. Joe Gibbs showed what leadership is all about, and Dan Snyder really came off as first class all the way. This team will go down with the three championship teams as one of the greatest Redskins teams ever. I have never seen a team play so hard through so much adversity. Hail to the Redskins Hail Victory.

A reformed fan.

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it made me become more of a leader on the field.. im playing football with my cousins on christmas, and the losing team is still arguing about some of the plays.. i walk by, and say dont know what u guys are still arguing, the plays are over...they all become quiet.... thats what sean said to gregg williams when gregg yelled at sean for misassignment...

also, when working out, i use to count my reps.... now i dont count anymore... dont count the reps. make the reps count..so now when im lifting weights, i stop only when i cant lift anymore... thats how sean would think. wish he had a book about his life, only to use it within...R.I.P sean.. u are a great icon and never will be forgotten...

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The topic of Sean's life and tragic death have provided an opportunity for me to talk to my sons (7 and 5) about the value of life. They knew who Sean was since we are big fans of his. This was the first person that they "knew" to have passed unexpectedly and they were full of very relevant questions. You know, the expected stuff like "Why would someone kill Sean?", "Was Sean a bad guy?", "What happened to the people that killed Sean?", "Could that happen to us?", and so on. Their inquisitive minds have led to a fuller understanding of our very precious mortality and has sparked an appreciation for the gift of life.

In my kid's eyes, Sean is a Hero. In my eyes, he is a Legend.


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Became a better student and hopefully in the long run a better person. Before during this year I was kind of lazy with my studies (Im a sophomre at VCU) and I wasn't making good grades. But I always had the attitude "don't worry I'll get it right later" or "I'll do this tommorow". Then his death really hit me hard. I realized there might not be a later or a tommorow. I'm not a person who fears death, and never will be, probably because of my faith in God. But when that day does come which I realize now might not be in old age I don't want to have any regrets.

I want in every sitatuion to give my all, and do the absolute best I can. That's the way Sean played and Lived. And I figure while Im blessed enough to be here, and blessed enough to have an opportuinity most don't get I should make the most of it, and try as hard as I possible can.

Sean gave his all in everything...I want to too. For him, My Family, God and Myself.

R.I.P. 21

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For me, Sean Taylor's death led me to admire Joe Gibbs more not only as a coach and a leader but also as a Christian. I loved watching Sean Taylor play, but when it's time to die, one has to have faith that there's a purpose greater than football. And as far as I'm concerned, Joe Gibbs knows spiritual struggle as well as any prophet, priest or other religious leader. Visit www.joegibbsonline.com if you don't believe me. I've requested my Gibbs Bible -- can't wait for it to arrive.

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I just ordered one for myself.
For me, Sean Taylor's death led me to admire Joe Gibbs more not only as a coach and a leader but also as a Christian. I loved watching Sean Taylor play, but when it's time to die, one has to have faith that there's a purpose greater than football. And as far as I'm concerned, Joe Gibbs knows spiritual struggle as well as any prophet, priest or other religious leader. Visit www.joegibbsonline.com if you don't believe me. I've requested my Gibbs Bible -- can't wait for it to arrive.

Just order one too. Did not know about this web site. Thanks

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I blogged on this subject on myspace a few weeks ago. Here is what I posted.


Thoughts on Sean Taylor’s murder and a change to my life

Current mood: sad.gif sad

I've wanted to post about the murder of Sean Taylor since it happened but being away and some time to collect my thoughts I've held off.

Sean Taylor was my second favorite player on the Redskins. This is a guy who you couldn't help but love if he was on your team.

Taylor was a beast on the field, players often felt how hard he played, when he put his entire body into a hit, you could have felt it in the stands. This is a guy who always showed up early and left late from practice. He was the guy that when he was on the field, I always had the feeling that he could make a play to make something happen in our favor. I've seen him do it on the field, he was that positive force that could swing the momentum 180 degrees in the other direction.

In a sport that I think players sometimes lose focus of why they are out there, it seemed Sean not only loved his profession but he was willing to go the extra mile to make sure he was the best that he could possibly be. From working out, changing his diet to better his body, to studying game films and picking the brains of other players to learn more than what he already knew. Sean just 'got it', he knew what he needed to do to be the best.

This senseless death hits you hard because if you watched him play, you just knew he was on his way to being one of the greatest if not the greatest safety to ever play the game. At 24 he was already one of the most feared safetys for his hard hitting play style and this year he matured the rest of his game to where he was the complete package. The Redskins will never ever be able to replace this guy.

Off the field he had troubles in the past but with the guidance of his coaches and friends he had turned his life around. With the birth of his daughter he was a different person than the 'thug' days of his childhood. Sadly all that was taken from him last week.

After taking everything in I think it's important that we see how fragile life is. There are no guarentees that you or I will live to see another day or do the things that we want to do or tell the people around us how we truely feel about them. I know I seem to get wrapped up in work or being depressed about petty stuff like being stuck with bills etc, but in the long run I'm letting all the fun that I could be having pass me by.

I've drawn up my new work out plan which I have already started. My goal is to drop 10 pounds a month and there is no room for failure. I'm also going to build up to working out 2 hours a day. The sensless death of one of my favorite players opened my eyes to see that sitting around and waiting on stuff to happen is just as senseless and a waste of time that I can be doing for myself.

RIP Sean Taylor, you were truely one of the greatest football players I've had the pleasure of watching play the game.


So yeah, I'm working out now and getting healthy. One of the things I switched to was doing reps of 21 just to remind myself of how Sean had passion in what he did and it helps me keep pushing to reach that goal.

I've also started taking the time to let those around me how I feel about them because you never know what tomorrow will bring.

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It really didnt. Initially I was bummed cause he would have been fantastic for the Skins, then I thought about his child without a father and that was depressing.

People die every day, some famous, some not, but almost all are loved and missed by someone.

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It was really hard for me. He died the day after my son was born. I couldn't and still can't believe that he is really dead. I never would have thought in a million years that Sean Taylor would have died so young. I keep waiting for him to be in the Defensive backfield and he is not there. It just really saddens me. Right now, what really gives me hope is that even though football is a game, his teammates and coaches really got inspired enough after this tragedy and worked hard to get into the playoffs. I really admire the fact that he had such a great impact on his teammates and I really respect the fact that the Redskins worked so hard and never gave up. That to me is the metaphor that I will take away from this is that you never give up. Sean you are my favorite current redskins player and you will be in our hearts. God Bless you Sean for all that you have given in the short time you were apart of our lives.

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for me and like many others seans death made me realize how precious life really is.You take it one day at a time do what you can and try not to make enemies.Lifes hard but for me i had to ifnd a way to remeber sean forever and so i am 16yrs old and ive watched sean since his days at miami and for me to remeber him forever i made wristbands and i have 100 left out of the 500 ive started with and im selling them for 3 dollars and im donating all profits to his memorial fund.Photos are in the upper left hand corner> Here is a link http://profile.myspace.com/index.cf...endid=292403033or if you live in these areas the gas stations listed currently have them. Sean will live on forever with me because i will remeber him always:

Bethesda,Md.Wildwood Exxon.10335 Old Georgetown Rd. Zip=20814.

Rockville,MD.White Flint Exxon.11430 Rockville Pike. Zip=20852

Largo,MD.KetteringBp.10604 Campus Way South. Zip=20774

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