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As close as a playoff berth is.....does it feel it was a season of mised oppurtunies?


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I look back at our season up to this point, and I look at what the Redskins as a team have seemed to learn over the course of the last month of the season, which is that no lead is ever safe.

This is a lesson I had hoped would have been already learned, but it really costs us a chance to have wrapped up a playoff spot a few weeks ago.

Besides the Patriots game, it really seems that the Redskins would play their best football against the better teams in the league, even though they lost to the Giants/Dallas/Green Bay, the way we played in those game, you would have never thought we would lose to teams like the Bills & Tampa Bay.

We have one more game to go, and it is going to be the biggest roller coaster of emotions we as fans will go through this entire season.....In 2005 we cliched against Philly, just imagine doing it against Dallas.....

Go Redskins!!!

Don't look back, enjoy where the team is NOW.......cmon Debby Downer. :dallasuck

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We can always say this, but I think the important thing is that you do not fail to learn from the opportunities. Yes, some of the close losses were painful, but they are totally different situations. The thing I observe in watching the team now is collectivity and consistency as a team. Not one unit playing well here or there, but together.

Offense- Yes, Collins has had an impact, but Portis is playing his best ball near the end of the season, as Gibbs has said. Also, now the playmakers are all healthy and playing simultaneously. Before, Portis would be hurt, Moss hurt, and we'd have feel in WRs. Now we are having some consistency. Gibbs said Portis and Moss being healthy is huge. Ball control and getting big plays from your playmakers is huge and takes pressure off the QB. The Heyer change has been huge. Fabini is still suspect, but replacing Wade was great.

Defense- Most importantly here is that they are gettings TO and shortening the field consistently. Look at these last couple of games during the streak. This also helps keep the offense fresh. Gregg Williams mentioned we weren't doing this earlier. Last night probably 16 points off those TOs. We also don't see the huge/explosive plays ala the Eagles, Cowboys, Bills games, etc. Great job.

Special Teams- Probably the most consistent aspect of the team all year. ARE still dances too much though, but things like containing Hester and operating in the NYG winds can't be overlooked. And Rock is having a great year not seen since Brian Mitchell.

Summary- I think if we had consistent play from all 3 aspects during the entire year we'd have a better record. If you notice now, since the team is playing better overall we don't require the comebacks and last minute stops and are controlling the game. Before Campbell had to make the last minute drives to win the game which is when the TOs primarily occurred. We haven't had to do that yet. As Doc Walker said, Campbell had 3 throws that could've made his first year starting as being a sensational (first start) season. Now we don't even get into these shootout, last second do-or-die situations.

The coaches have also learned. Example, it took them 4 yrs to realize Sellers versatility and use as a short yadage back, or the effectiveness of the no-huddle. The coaches are also developing and learning, like the players. I attribute the calmness and togetherness to Gibbs though.

Look at the fans on this message board? Instead of being thankful for the young talent that is developing we want to trade Campbell, Rogers, and other players. Let them develop people. I remember when Sean Taylor had the DUI, skipped the rookie seminars, didn't return Gibbs calls, and was keeping to himslef and being an introvert, that people were calling for his head too. But we see the maturity and development. Same thing with Landry. There was a play last night when Landry said something to Smoot near the goalline. I believe Smoot did not take the proper path to defend the quick slant which is what Landry recognized. Development people, development and maturity.

I wouldn't want to play the Redskins in the playoffs. We've maintained with 6 starters out for the season, and something like 16 starters out during the years. We've evolved and been able to plug in players and maintain toughness and competitiveness. That's why despite those close losses on the roads and against the supposed top NFC teams, we fear no one. All this has brought the team together and to the point where they know they can beat anyone. They almost beat those teams on the road with a first year QB starter and when the team wasn't playing consistently as a whole. If we played now, back then, regardless of the QB we would've been more successful bc the entire team from Offense, Defense, Special Teams, and the Coaches, are all on their game, TOGETHER. There isn't the need for the last second drive if you play well throughout the game, together. No dropping passes, etc.

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