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Damn, I always thought you were the kid with down syndrome when I went into the falls church wendys at 1 in the morn.

Oh well.

Did you tell anybody on this baord about your secret man crush on Micahel Westbrook?

Did you tell them how you waited at his house just to touch him?

why don't you tell everybody about your "special" room in your house that has what you claim to be a "picture of Westbrooks right testicle"

Tell them

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Hmm, lets tally this up.

Homosexual jokes:

Cowboykilla - zero

Smoot21 - 392,000

Is anyone else getting a little suspicious here? Funny thing is, anytime Smoot brings someone to tailgate with the DTC, a special "friend" as he calls them, it's always a dude. OH wait, we can't forget your 18 year old girlfriend.

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Speakin of fetishes Mr. Jimmy Mc"gold"tooth:

Many people don't know what that "gold" refers to. Golden showers happen to be one of McGOLDtooth's favorite past times. Unfortunately for his friends, he tries to talk his boys in to taking leaks into his mouth. The cap on his tooth is from urine that crusted in his mouth and permanently attatched itself to a molar.

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I do work you know.

I wish I could live the life of a college student, eat, ****, sleep, eat, ****, sleep.

5 minutes, do you still have your Strawberry Shortcake Stopwatch?

The reason you don't respond, is your out of comebacks.

I will verbally destroy you, and you know this.

Your next comeback must be in rap form, so start singing.

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Bad breath? Is that all you got? I used to cut down on my friends like that in 3rd grade. I can't wait for your DVD to come out. Oh wait a minute, it's by NO MEANS your DVD. You didn't do sh*t on the DVD.

I AM THE DVD. I am the only one who stepped up and created great footage. You sat in the background while I did all the stuff that required balls. So here's a hint: Grow some and used them ho

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:laugh: Dork? Dork? :laugh: My 4 1/2 yo nephew calls other kids dork. Well, that answers that. So let's see. A quiz titled DTC Trivia. With 3 out of 5 questions devoted to the DTC. Hmmmm yea...got ya ... no promotion there. :rolleyes: Interesting. A poster, who doesn’t support the DTC, a dissenting opinion if you will, is quickly labeled a “hater” and told to mind their own business. Well now wouldn’t this be the boring “public forum” if that were the rule of thumb for everything posted here. Admittedly you almost had me on wasting my time. Because that really is what responding to this thread and many of your other ones really is... a waste of time. Hell, not one person over on CNPD even responded to this very same thing. Guess they know better. I should know better. For that matter, except a couple of exceptions, it’s you and killa trading what I guess are some witty barbs. So. Why waste my time? Let me break it down for you Smoot.

It’s a public forum. Provided to us by the good graces and hard work of the Owner and others. What that means is opinions are freely expressed. Even…gasp…. dissenting ones. I’ve told you before not everyone is going to be a fan, and therefore you and the rest of the DTC are going to hear from those people as much as you will hear from those who are fans. Time to stop being so sensitive and just deal with it. If You’re going to waste your time with threads like this, (Which, besides a couple of token trivia questions, provide nothing of value where Redskins, football, or anything else for that matter except DTC promotion), then I’ll waste my time posting on them. Get the hint from CNPD and here Smoot. Get that stick out of your *** and realize that not too many around give a …well….. you know…. About the DTC. The only thing that happens with threads like this one, especially where you are concerned, is it quickly degenerates into an us against them slamfest. Quite frankly this is something, IMHO, that this board doesn’t need or want. I’m not an owner or a mod, just a poster who gives a damn about this board. That’s why I’ll waste my time responding. I don’t pretend to even believe I’m speaking for others here, but for my part, I just don’t believe in ignoring the kids when they are acting up. So deal.

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Hell, not one person over on CNPD even responded to this very same thing

It wasnt a thread that needed a response.

It clearly stated to e-mail me the answers.

17 posters did.

Your the only ******* that posted something negative.

I guess being a sexually deprived bald man stuck in Utah has finally gotten to you.

Thats too bad.

Have a nice day.

I will.

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