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Possible new stuff, tied with poll below.


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I'm reading every suggestion and taking it to heart. I'll forward you some of my thoughts, and you guys can help me decide what to concentrate my efforts on. Some of what you ask for is out of my realm of duty and ability, but, I think stuff like links pages and information sites is a sound one that makes a TON of sense.

On the idea of having more ties with fans of other teams. This is something I've spoken with Die Hard about for a while, and before this board came up. I LOVE the idea of getting a wider range of folks to frequent this board and to allow us like-minded folks of different team persuasions to bicker with.

However, I'm a bit of a loon. I love conflict. I enjoy verbal combat. While many folks here express some desire to have more interaction with other fans, there is an equally, if not stronger, desire to keep the conversation here of the quality we all enjoy, and that's not possible if we are going to be opening up to other fans at other sites.

Another mild concern is the fact that this is a true fan site. There isn't profit coming from this. No ads are here or planned. It would be VERY hard to support the bandwidth requirements of additional popular message boards without some extremely large bake sales smile.gif.

My goal in the coming days is to lurk around other sites of rival teams. Our division first then outside. Find people who have a solid presense on that board and who seem to appreciate a good dialog. I will then talk to them about linking a fan site to this site and start building a community beyond just ours.

The smack talk would come though. And, to prevent this, if this is an action we take, we will have to keep these boards clean of any of the quid pro quo we've seen between myself and any anti out there smile.gif. It will be hard on me. We would create an alternate message board where fans could come together and get down and dirty. Then, it's up to you how exposed you get.

Again though, there are MANY problems with this, and it may not work. But, it's something I intend to start looking into. As for the bake sale, that's another thing I intend to bring forward soon.

I do want to create branded shirts and items people who are registered here may wish to purchase. A quality T-Shirt with something catchy and centered around the team and this site that some of you may want to purchase at a very mild markup.

I will run raffles and other functions to create a small revenue stream that will allow us to expand without ever going commercial. This is not something I am confident will work, but I think it is a solid idea to brand this site for those who enjoy it.

I will also personally attempt to inspire participation in these types of activities by offering prizes and the like. For example, I've thought of next year paying for someone to go to Carlisle for a weekend. The board would vote on the person they want to go, based upon equal parts participation on the board and votes of your fellows, as well as accumulated material smile.gif.

I could run contests and the like, to give back to the community that gives back to us. But, while I'll do this early, it will take some participation on the part of the community to make it successful, and I can stop being the sugar daddy quick smile.gif.

I'm also going to start annoying the Redskins in an effort to tie us in with the team in some fan-friendly way. Perhaps I can even work it that the team would help us by sponsoring a fan in the lockerroom, or occasional access to players. I doubt this will work, but, it's an effort I'll make. And I VERY MUCH doubt it will work.

Anyway, the goal I had in writing asking the poll questions, and I still want answers, is that I want to help make Extremeskins your one stop shopping place for Redskins-related needs. More information. Chat rooms. Much love with our opposing fans. Stuff like that.

Let me know if any of the above sounds good. Or, as many of you said, just leave it alone since it ain't broke.

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For the record, a lot of what you are seeing from me tonight is based upon MY desires to see some things happen and do not necessarily reflect the views of management smile.gif. This site, as it presently exists, can be run in perputity without much difficulty or expense. As we start adding features and creating more options for the community, and growing beyond just a message board, that's when you start having to find ways to put back into the coffers.

So, keeping everything as it is, not only is the easiest option to manage, but, also the most cost effective, because this is all done on limited expense because some fool in Canada likes the Redskins. Anyway, I'm going to bed smile.gif. Two nights moving folks to a new building has made me punch drunk.


Doom is in the box.

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Hey Art,

For what it is worth, I have been to other sites that are run like this one, without banners, and they have a spot on their site where you can donate money. Most of the sites I have seen have a link for paypal or another type of online payment type of deal. It is just a thought.

A rule of thumb could be $.10 a post... but unfortunately at the rate some folks post they could spend more here then they do on food a month ;-).

If the merchandise looks good, and is of high quality, I would be interested in possibly buying a shirt, (you are gonna carry fatboy size aren't you?) or some other item(s). I would hate to see this board go under due to future financial shortfalls and would do my part to help ensure that it continues.


[edited.gif by DaFunky1 on August 04, 2001.]

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Art, I personally would like to see an influx of non-skins fans in here. Sometimes we need to put our homerism in propper perspective. I would buy a teeshirt and a had to do my part in helping the cause. I would definitely post more in that environment as well. However, I will not pay to post like was previously suggested.


As always, my opinions do not reflect the opinions of management and are based on ficticious opinions. Similarities to any opinion living or dead is completely unintentional.

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First off, just to be very clear, there is no financial worry here about going under. Blade is a surgeon for goodness sake smile.gif. But, in order to grow, if we grow, we'll need to support bigger pipes and have more features to support it, and then we'll need to involve the community. To this point the community isn't involved other than to create the atmosphere.

I wouldn't imagine any pay per post is even thought upon. Heck, $1 per month per registered user and we could publish a paper to compete with the Washington Post in three years smile.gif. But, that's not happening either. The only way to maintain the community atmosphere is to allow folks to contribute to the growth but to also get something in return, as far as I'm concerned.

The PayPal idea is sound also, for donations. I may see about the legalities (redman, Greg, don't make me ask my wife) of finding a way to become a charitable organization, so you guys could write it of on your taxes smile.gif. But, fear not, this site, as is, needs nothing. If we are to grow and put other stuff up and support more and more users, we'll need to generate money for that. And in so doing, we will attempt to give back, and not ask anyone for anything, but, return something back for anything given. Don't sweat the small stuff though. This is big picture stuff and a LONG way off to complete. Though, a fairly short term way to begin smile.gif.


Doom is in the box.

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People will support that which is important to them. The key to success lies in the creativity of the project. It should be voluntary. Let me give an example which comes to mind.

In 1997, my favorite musicians, an English band named Marillion, decided against touring the US because they had lost $30K the last time they came over. They have a small but extremely loyal fan base here. A couple of fans, without knowledge or approval from the band, came up with the idea of a tour fund to help offset any potential losses if the band would reconsider. The band, though impressed, made no committments. The fans went forward anyway, promising to return donations should Marillion not tour.

Soon, the fund reached $12K, at which point the band decided to not only plan the tour, but to sweeten the deal by recording a live double CD of one of the shows to be GIVEN away only to those who contributed to the fund. The thing exploded. We raised over $60K, the band toured, and about 6 months later we were all rewarded with signed copies of the CD.

Here's the kicker: For $40 (price of donation and fan convention tix) I was able to eat dinner, converse one on one with band members, watch their sound-check, see them play in an intimate setting (venue held 1000), take pictures AND I got a CD out of the deal for no extra cost which goes for between $150-$200 at any given time on Ebay.

So, my point is that if funding ever becomes an issue for extremeskins.com, a little creativity can go a long way. We have a small but loyal base AND some very sharp individuals calling the shots. Those are two big pieces of the puzzle right there.


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So, Brave, if I understand you correctly, you want Tony, Blade, Om, BoW and myself to form a band, record live music and send you autographed copies?

Guys, I want to be stage security smile.gif.


Doom is in the box.

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Not exactly, Art. But don't think for a minute a lot of us wouldn't pay to see that show. biggrin.gif

I think you guys could take the "spirit of the story," if you will, and apply it in your own way, should that become necessary.

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Actually, we'd need Mick to play the drums and our band name would HAVE to be 6-1 but 6-9 with an Afro. We'd be on VH-1s "Where Are They Now" before you knew it smile.gif.


Doom is in the box.

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If it comes down to it what is $12 a year to be a member?

And if board did sell ExtremeSkins T Shirts it would be great way to wear them at places like Hog Fest and what a great way to meet members at Camp Marty than wearing a shirt?

It would be a hoot to see the Cerebral One on stage in make up singing the Beautiful People


Take a sip of the Marty Kool Aid and Believe

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