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What happens when the UN is in charge?

Mad Mike

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I give you Somolia. By now every informed American should know that one reason US soldiers were dragged through the streets is that the Clinton administration refused the american commanders request for armor that could have rescued them because of UN pressure. But did you know who the UN appointed as envoy to Somolia? AN IRAQI. Ismat Kattani was his name.

Given what we know now about Al Qaeda involvement in the training of the Somolis on how to down a helicopter with an RPG and how Adid's men seemed to know we were coming, one has to ask if Kattani was the one who tipped them off.

BTW. What was Clinton's response? He halted the hunt for Adid and made him a diplomatic partner. :puke:

Anyone who thinks we should hand the security of America over to the UN is a fool.

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