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An old but similar memory and how we'll play against the Bills


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It is now 2007, the possible tragedy of Monday Night has become a harsh reality as of Tuesday Morning. I can't help but remember when I was in High School a very similar thing happened in terms of dealing with tragedy. I played on the Varsity Soccer team for a very small county (population wise) so we basically knew everyone and had grown up with each other. My Junior year a young man named Joe Patterson transferred to our school. He tried out for our team and was a quick success. In a short amount of time naturally he was accepted into our family and we began to grow together for another season. I would have to say it was about 2 to 3 weeks into the season when I arrived at school to hear the news of an accident. We were all gathered together not long after the rumors went around and were then later notified of his passing during school hours. We had a game to actually play the same night of his passing. I would have to say that it was a very emotional time, there was a lot of time in my mind just spent replaying the short memories of him that I had since he had joined the school and our team. Then coming to the harsh realization that I will never see this kid ever again. We all agreed that Joe would of wanted us to play our game with him in our hearts and that is exactly what the Skins will do. We managed to pull together that night and beat a team at their house that had beaten us 4 straight years and were arguably better than our squad. We played the remainder of the season in his memory.

While we did not finish our season with a spectacular record, we played a game that night like no other and it was such a great way to pay tribute to him by winning that night. I just believe with all my heart that the Skins will do the same, I really feel bad for Buffalo because I just believe that we will win the game no matter what. It will also be a great way to begin a long process of healing game by game, week by week. I can honestly say that this loss has hurt me much in the same way I was hurt 8 years ago, it just will not seem real to me until the season is over and I realize that Sean will never be back on the field.

I hope the grieving process goes well for us all and just know that as mad as it makes you, as many times as you picture the situation and can only wish something else would of taken place or you could of said something, etc. just know that he is in a better place.

R.I.P. Joe Patterson you are surely still missed

& R.I.P Sean Taylor you are going to be missed for a long long time by so many

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I really hope we go out and beat the hell out of the Bills for Taylor, and it would make a great story, but man, I couldn't imagine practicing this week, or game-planning or any of that. And seeing how wracked with grief the entire team is, it's gonna be a hell of a uphill battle. But considering how tough these guys are, I certainly wouldn't put it past em

Of course, the toughest Redskin is no longer with them...

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