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The little things in life


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Since news of this broke, several thoughts have come through my mind. At first it was denial. I tossed aside everything I've learned in paramedic school and rooted for Sean with a blind hope that a miracle would happen. When news broke that Sean squeezed the nurses hand I thought it was the beginning of a long road back to the field in which he would eventually be picking passes off again and forever be the face of the Redskins. If anyone could have done it, it was Sean. I took it to another level when I started breaking down things that happened at the Eagles game. I started thinking to myself what if the ball slipped from McNabbs hands when throwing to LJ Smith? What if LJ Smith dropped it and Taylor pulled up? I literally tried to rewind that play in my head and play out the following two weeks in which Taylor never gets hurt and is instead traveling with the team. I was driving myself crazy until I started to focus on the little things. I started to put myself in his situation and all I could think about was my girlfriend and soon to be fiance heartbroken and confused if I were to die. It made me ashamed of myself for the recent things I have said about the Redskins and coaching staff. I cant believe some of the things I have said about Gibbs. The truth is come hell or high water, rooting for this team is a little thing in life that can bring happiness. Win or lose, we should cherish the fact we can talk about the game on this website together with our friends. We should cherish coming together 90k strong to root our team on, and more than the result we should cherish the health of our players as theyre hearts are no doubt heavy. I'll be at the Buffalo game and win or lose, I am going to cheer my heart out. Let's cheer in memory of Sean. Draftpicks, free agency, and all of the things that have made us mad about this GAME needs to be re evaluted. Tell your family how much you love them and keep Sean Taylor in your thoughts. I know hell always be in mine.

Use this thread to explain what those important things in life are for you. Mine is my girlfriend. I love her with all my heart and never want to see her hurt.

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I have been thinking of all the little things in my life...

With the great maturation that Sean has shown in the 2 years, I know I can do the same.

In light of Sean's tragic death, I want to be a better person. In a way... it honor's his name.

I want to quit smoking and live a better life.

So I'm making a mental list of what I feel I can do better.

It's a shame that it takes tragedy to motivate me.

But at the same time... it's ok. As long as I see it through.

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