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naahh....let's visit miguel estrda one more time.....


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I attended a social function Saturday night at which I happened to be seated next to a liberal, female Hispanic lawyer. At the strategic moment....several glasses of wine into the evening...I questioned her about her feelings on miguel estrada and the democrats handling of his nomination.

Surprisingly.....her curt and immediate response was...."As a Hispanic liberal I find it deeply offensive." She went on to state that she doesn't necessarily agree with Mr Estrada's "unexamined" legal positions (codespeak for politics) but that what was transpiring was not healthy for Hispanics and would have repercussions downstream.

Three quotes from this morning's paper:

1) the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund: Miguel Estrada's life history is an example of "concocted, invented Latino imagery. It's not good enough to simply say that because of someone's genetics or surname that they should be considered Hispanic."

2) From Rep Bob Menendez (D-NJ): "Being Hispanic means for us much more than having a surname."

3) From the Mexican American Legal Defense Fund: "Estrada's elevation to the federal bench would "crush the American dream" for millions of "genuine" Hispanics.

Wow! Racial and ethnic warfare as practiced by the best....the Democrats! The poltical litmus test is getting tighter....and that's ok. I have already decided that when the next democrat occupies the White House to call my Congressman/Senator and emphasize that he oppose all Democratic nominations NO MATTER WHAT THE POLTICAL INCLINATIONS. Let's carry this out to its logical extreme.

Here's an interesting sidebar on political litmus tests.....as advocates from both sides work to place candidates most inclusive of their own agenda.......how do they separate opinions and advice offered as legal counsel from private, political opinion? are lawyers now to perform a discounted present value assessment of everything they put to writing in the event they might be nominated for a judicial post? what interests prevail if this is the case: the client's or the lawyer's future prospects?

I hope the Dems do defeat Estrada. It will serve to highlight what "equal opportunity" and "diversity" really means for Democrats. Moreover, it will clear the way for some truly nasty infighting that will be a great deal of fun!

Who's going to blink first?

Oh yea....let's get back to arguiing over the team name Redskins and how we should be attentive to the homogenous senstivities of the offended groups. We wouldn't want to miss out on what's really important!!!

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