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"resident Evil Sucks!"

Glenn X

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That’s what I’d heard, anyway. And not just from the critics, either. Friends of mine had gone and seen it and said that it wasn’t that good.

So when I sat down and decided to watch Resident Evil on Cinemax the other night, as nothing else worth a damn was on at the time, I was expecting the worst. However, I was pleasantly surprised. Who knows? Maybe it’s because my expectations were so low, but I ended up quite enjoying the film.

Was it Lawrence of Arabia? No. But who the hell in their right mind expected it to be Lawrence of Arabia?

As anal retentive and generally irritating as movie critics can be, it’s hard for me to imagine that they made the mistake of assuming Resident Evil to be The Next Great Thing in American Filmmaking. In fact, if anything, I think the film suffered in terms of elite opinion of it simply because of what it was: a zombie movie. To most critics, the word “zombie” is automatically the kiss of death. Critics would rather zoom down a slide of razor blades into a pool of rubbing alcohol than watch a movie having anything whatsoever to do with “the undead.”

And, to a degree, I can’t blame them. I mean, how long has it been since the last legitimately enjoyable zombie flick was released?

Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Which is why I don’t understand the seeming apathy towards Resident Evil from the general moviegoing public. Yes, Resident Evil did fairly well at the box office, but it didn’t make a buttload of money. And considering that most zombie films that have been produced recently (i.e. within the last 5-7 years) have all been pretty much direct-to-video cheapies, one has to truly marvel at the invitingly glossy and technically polished nature of writer-director Paul Anderson’s commandos-versus-zombies-in-confined-quarters spectacle.

Speaking of Anderson, whose career has been maddeningly erratic, fluctuating between tantalizing near-misses like Event Horizon and bloated dreck like Soldier, Resident Evil is clearly the high water mark in his oeuvre. And given that Anderson has Aliens vs. Predator on deck, a high-profile, big budget, major studio movie that could easily make or break his career as an A-list action director in Hollywood, he appears to be finally getting his sh*t together at just the right time.

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I was on the opposite end where you are. I was expecting Resident Evil to be a really cool movie. I saw it the first night at the theater. I was so disappointed. My expectations were too high. That's what I get....:doh:

I have always heard rumors of an Aliens vs. Predator movie... is it for sure now??

Do you have a link, I'd love to look it up. I love the 2 Predator movies. They were cool.

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codeorama, Variety, which is probably the most reliable entertainment industry periodical there is, first reported that Aliens vs. Predator was a go with Paul Anderson at the helm a while back. I can't find a link to the actual article on Variety.com, but I was able to track down a reference to said article here: http://www.corona.bc.ca/films/details/aliensvspredator.html Just scroll down to the very bottom of the page for the details.

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